Thursday, August 07, 2008


Friday 010808

Went to send Johnny off to Aussie for his overseas studies. We (me, David, Jeremy and his gf, Jillene) had trouble locating where Liyang (with his car) was! Ended up delaying for over 30minutes trying to find each other. Found him finally and set off for the airport immediately.

And we started taking lots of photos...
David, me and Jeff.

Johnny and me!

Quite a lot of people in here...

Okay, all the best Johnny! Hope you achieve success in your new life at Aussie! :D

We saw this wierd "flower" that is sensitive towards movement and will tilt towards the moving object.


I look like I have a tummy. :(

Special thanks to Liyang for ferrying us home! Reached home at around 2+am and had to report to camp on Saturday for some duty at 7am. Did the duty and left early at 9pm so I can join the AHM training at East Coast Park at 7am on Sunday. Met up with Cheng Aik at Causeway Point at 6.30am to pick me up. 18km!

Some photos to go along with...

As I sat at the back of his pick up... Super cool breeze!

Lin Zheng, Shen Lok (ORD-ed), me with Cheng Aik behind.

Went to watch Money No Enough with KS peeps and the show was... okay lor. Haha, din expect anything out of it though, so wasn't disappointed. :) Thanks Liyang for ferrying us home (again!).

Did guard duty on Monday with Vahnbeo and I felt damn tired throughout... Shan't explain further...

Just ran 12km today at Pasir Ris Park... The coach that Cheng Aik indented didn't arrive! So 8 people, a bicycle and a whole lot more stuffs had to squeeze into a land rover all the way to Pasir Ris Park!

All in all, this week really drained quite a fair bit of my energy. Thus resulting in me becoming kinda impatient and irritable. :( Anyway, let me get my sleep so I can FINALLY watch F.I.R perform live at the Singapore Indoor Stadium! Woots! XD

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