Thursday, August 21, 2008

What's wrong?

Time really flies and in abt 2 months' time, I will ORD! My brain is about to explode with excitement as this NS chapter of my life is about to close and a refreshing journey awaits for me upfront. I really have no idea what I should do. I will definitely slack for a few weeks to enjoy the freedom that permeates through every pore on my body. After that, I have some options ahead of me.

1) be a relief teacher hopefully at Kranji Secondary School because that's the place where I have had many wonderful moments as a student. I can visit my ex-teachers somemore!

2) be a waiter at some restaurant. However, I've been one during both of my holidays in JC and maybe I should try something new. Moreover, it's quite tiring to keep collecting plates and wiping the tables.

3) be an officeboy at some corporate companies. (Not really keen on this idea though.)

4) continue rotting at home for 9 months before I get admitted into NUS. (What an amazing idea!)

And option 4 is definitely out. Haha.. I think I will opt for 1.

I saw this recently and I think this is quite chio!
Some people might not agree totally but I personally, find it rather chio.

My brother requested my father to sign 2 more years to my phone plan so that my brother can get a new phone to replace his phone that was stolen. So I think it's fair if he offers to use his plan (hopefully it ends in a few months' time so that the arrival of the new phone will coincide with my ORD date) to get me this phone. Imagine how fucking pissed I was when he didn't inform me at all when he used my phone plan to get a new phone w/o consulting me first. To think I was still contemplating the idea of getting a new phone, totally oblivious to what was going on throughout the whole incident.

Remember the opening of the Beijing Olympics 2008 ceremony? I'm sure you all know the girl, Lin Miaoke singing on stage is only lip-syncing to the song! The original singer, Yang Peiyi, was deemed to be unsuitable for stage due to having buck teeth. OMG la... Whoever made that decision ought to be awarded 1000000000 Da Pan. Da Pan la, you know those wooden oars-like thingy?

I can't believe it la. Peiyi is cute also lor! Can you imagine the amount of psychological damage done to her fragile and young mind? Just because of her teeth and you axed her. Adding on, the organisers are giving Miaoke the wrong impression that having good looks is your passport to various other opportunities not available to people condemned as being ugly. Nevermind Peiyi! Go for braces and you'll shine like a star. :D

This episode reminds me of one incident that happened in my primary school. There was this skit competition in primary 5 and each class had to participate. My form teacher, Mrs Wong, who always win 1st prize for the class that she in charge in, was very hyped up that year and wanted us to win 1st prize.

After I had rehearsed multiple times and days for my role, Mrs Wong asked infront of the whole class whether A, can take over my role as he had nothing to act in. Felt outcasted, I agreed while putting up a bravefront to show I wasn't affected by that and I should give the role to him. I always thought Mrs Wong favoured A more. In the end, I was given the role of the music player (yeah, go ahead and laugh. Haha.) where I was supposed to play different music at the backstage loudly (so everyone in the hall can hear) to suit the mood of the skit.

In the end, the role that I had given up was axed by Mrs Wong as she deemed it unnecessary and A could not act. The competition date arrived. I was fiddling with the music player behind the curtains while they acted. Suddenly, Mrs Wong dashed in and took over the music player from me, stating that she do not trust me to do the job well. Alarmed, I stood by and watched her manning the player quietly. In the end, she played the wrong type of music and mumbled some stuffs and left while I kept the player. Even so, we won 1st.

Back in class, when she was distributing the presents to the kids who participated in the skit, she asked me if she could give the present (It was a story book.) to A, as I did nothing at all for the skit. I agreed, feeling somewhat dejected, not because of the present, but the treatment I got from her.


Time for me to sleep! :D

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