Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I'm scared of Japanese food.

Liyang jio-ed me out as he wanted some opinions on stuffs that he wanted to buy before he flies to New York and we met at Orchard. Bought his shoes at Beetle Bug and we proceeded to Crumpler at Paragon and guess who I saw inside the outlet!

MR SIRAJ!!! He was like pondering very hard about which messenger bag to choose until I tapped his shoulders and greeted him. Haha, he still looks the same. And so I began to help him choose a suitable bag also.

He asked me if the red striped complete seed was okay. I said,"Huh, so bold!". He "tsk" and looked at other bags.

I told him the fux deluxe was okay but he said it was too big. I told him mabbie he should go for it as it suits his size and complete seed suits me better. He thought I was "suan-ing" him and I quickly added that Iezhi used fux deluxe also. Haha... He liked the colour but the bag was really too big for him.

Me: The price of the biggest bag is okay also...doesn't differ that much from complete seed, might as well buy the biggest one.
Mr Siraj: No no... $$ is not a problem <--- o.0 In the end, we settled on the red one after he asked me again how come I said that's bold and was mean to say that.. LOL... He said bold can be bad or good... I immediately reassured him bold good, bold good. Haha. Liyang bought this. So we went to Sakae to eat the tea-time buffet which lasted till 6pm at 5.15pm. As we were informed that last orders are at 5.30pm, we felt anxious and ordered a super large amount of food.
This only shows a small portion of the amount of food.

Liyang and Jeremy slurping their chawanmushi.

And we can't finish the food! :( Eat until wanna vomit liao but we still had 3 plates of hand rolled sushi and some other stuffs like salmon... etc. -.-"

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