Sunday, June 15, 2008

PC Show 2008.

Let me recall who went... Li yang, Vahnbeo, Jian Feng, Kenneth, Jonny, Marvin and his gf, Tian Shuo and his gf, David, Guan Zhong and Jeffrey. Now that's quite a lot. No wonder we moved in 2 different teams. Kinda squeezy inside the fair.

No. 1 lesson learnt: Never wear slippers when you're intending to visit crowded places.
My poor feet was stepped on by countless people, including a child! Wearing shoes is a better choice.

Haha, I think my greatest achievement is helping Marvin get the free trolley. The person claim only those who purchase a screen of size 22" and above and get it and we can't as the screen Marv bought is 19" only.

Marv with his gf and the trolley!

Me: No free trolley arh?
Salesperson: Oh, the trolley is only for those *blah blah blah*. Your screen 19", easier to carry around ma, somemore you all guys! Can rotate around.
Me: Huh.. 想拿给妈妈的leh!
Salesperson: Okay, I give it to you at the back *I suppose she dun wan to let people see me with a trolley and a 19" screen*

Wah, so good leh! I was kidding about bringing it for my mum though. It was nonetheless a nice gesture. Heh.

We walked in 2 different groups and ended up having the same chio mouse. Haha.

I didn't take much photos at the fair cos it's damn squeezy. We went to Ajitei to have dinner. Some pictures of what we ate...
Hawaiian Chicken?

Chuka Hotate.

All-time-favourite Unagi.

Omu rice.

Some fried stuff with super flowy stuff inside.

Vahnbeo insisted we must have this. Inside contains a lot of veggies though. Creamy!

Vahnbeo, Li yang and David.

Chris, Jonny and me.

Btw these are the June babies (front row) plus Vahnbeo at the back.

Thanks dudes for the chocolate cake, although David forgot Chris don't take chocolate stuffs. Haha. :x

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