Saturday, June 21, 2008

June's whizzing past...

Firstly, I would like to thank Jeremy for giving me 林宥嘉-《神秘嘉宾》 for my birthday present! Didn't expect him to give me any present, somemore he bought it from Taiwan when he was there on a trip. :D

Would like to thank my sis for buying me this super funky-licious laptop bag to go with my MBP. Although Kong helped me buy it first cos he had a 10% discount using his UOB card. :D

This salesperson working at IMM Starhub (let's call him A) called me a few days ago to ask me to go collect a SIM card from him at his outlet.

A: Is this Mr Neo?
Me: Yes.
A: I would like to inform you that the SIM card we provided you is wrong and could you come down to our outlet to collect the right one?
Me: What do you mean it's wrong? Btw, I kinda lost it.
A: Erm, *goes on to explain some 3G and 2G stuffs*. Nevermind if you lost it, just come down and collect the right one.
Me: But why should I be responsible for you giving me the wrong SIM card? Could you make an arrangement to deliver it to my house?
A: It's out of goodwill that we inform you the SIM card is wrong (YES, he said that). There's no such service as delivery.
Me: Then maybe you should do some feedback regarding delivery service.
A: you will come down this weekend to collect?
Me: Yes.

After a while, thinking abt it, I was quite pissed. Decided to call Starhub at 1633. This person by the name of Ethan served me.

Ethan: Hi, this is Ethan, how may I help?
Me: *goes on to explain A giving me a disatisfactory service* Is there such thing as a delivery service of SIM card? I mean, why should I be held responsible? They are creating a lot of inconvenience by asking me to go down to collect. I clearly remembered he said it's out of goodwill that he told me he gave me the wrong SIM card. What kind of service is this?
Ethan: Mr Neo, usually we don't deliver SIM card as if they get lost before reaching you, a lot of trouble will arise.
Me: I see...
Ethan: But I will drop a mail regarding why they still need to issue you a new SIM card as you can continue to use the one you are using.
Me: Okay, thank you.

The next day, A (I assume he is A cos he sounded like him) called back.

A: Hello, is this Mr Neo?
Me: Yes.
A: Okay, Mr Neo, regarding the SIM card right, we need to give you a new one because *goes on to explain a barrage of stuffs* What time is it convenient for us to deliver the SIM card to your house?
Me: *grins* 6pm-10pm today would be suitable.
A: Okay, thank you Mr Neo.
Me: Thank you.

Hahahahaha. Don't think just because my father signed the plan for me thus you can give me such a lousy service. I think the phonecall to 1633 worked marvelously. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

weekian the customer service officer/sales assistant's nightmare