Sunday, June 29, 2008


Grr... Went to buy accessories for my MBP just now... So sian, that's why I always think buying something beautiful has it's pros and cons. You have to burn a hole in ur pocket just to buy stuffs to protect it from harm. Haha...

Without this, I am literally being in a sauna with my MBP being the heat source! I'm not kidding. I actually feel quite a bit of pain when I touched the underneath of my notebook and I think I can cook an egg there. But after using this, my MBP really cooled down quite a fair bit. Somemore it's silver in colour which matches my MBP. :) Costs: $67.90

I had to settle for this cheap looking screen protector! The 3M one which promises privacy for users was damn expensive. $99 dollars leh! This screen protector probably will stay on until I find a better reason to convince myself to buy the privacy filter by 3M. Costs: $24

I bought this without being showed the contents. This one is after I've opened it. Wenyang told me Moshi's stuffs are usually of good quality and so I trusted him and I like the colour so much! It's silver (not again!) and totally goes with my MBP. Haha. Not cheap for a palm rest guard and track pad guard. Costs: $34.

Priceless. :D *apologize for the mess cos I'm using the dining table*

Saturday, June 21, 2008

June's whizzing past...

Firstly, I would like to thank Jeremy for giving me 林宥嘉-《神秘嘉宾》 for my birthday present! Didn't expect him to give me any present, somemore he bought it from Taiwan when he was there on a trip. :D

Would like to thank my sis for buying me this super funky-licious laptop bag to go with my MBP. Although Kong helped me buy it first cos he had a 10% discount using his UOB card. :D

This salesperson working at IMM Starhub (let's call him A) called me a few days ago to ask me to go collect a SIM card from him at his outlet.

A: Is this Mr Neo?
Me: Yes.
A: I would like to inform you that the SIM card we provided you is wrong and could you come down to our outlet to collect the right one?
Me: What do you mean it's wrong? Btw, I kinda lost it.
A: Erm, *goes on to explain some 3G and 2G stuffs*. Nevermind if you lost it, just come down and collect the right one.
Me: But why should I be responsible for you giving me the wrong SIM card? Could you make an arrangement to deliver it to my house?
A: It's out of goodwill that we inform you the SIM card is wrong (YES, he said that). There's no such service as delivery.
Me: Then maybe you should do some feedback regarding delivery service.
A: you will come down this weekend to collect?
Me: Yes.

After a while, thinking abt it, I was quite pissed. Decided to call Starhub at 1633. This person by the name of Ethan served me.

Ethan: Hi, this is Ethan, how may I help?
Me: *goes on to explain A giving me a disatisfactory service* Is there such thing as a delivery service of SIM card? I mean, why should I be held responsible? They are creating a lot of inconvenience by asking me to go down to collect. I clearly remembered he said it's out of goodwill that he told me he gave me the wrong SIM card. What kind of service is this?
Ethan: Mr Neo, usually we don't deliver SIM card as if they get lost before reaching you, a lot of trouble will arise.
Me: I see...
Ethan: But I will drop a mail regarding why they still need to issue you a new SIM card as you can continue to use the one you are using.
Me: Okay, thank you.

The next day, A (I assume he is A cos he sounded like him) called back.

A: Hello, is this Mr Neo?
Me: Yes.
A: Okay, Mr Neo, regarding the SIM card right, we need to give you a new one because *goes on to explain a barrage of stuffs* What time is it convenient for us to deliver the SIM card to your house?
Me: *grins* 6pm-10pm today would be suitable.
A: Okay, thank you Mr Neo.
Me: Thank you.

Hahahahaha. Don't think just because my father signed the plan for me thus you can give me such a lousy service. I think the phonecall to 1633 worked marvelously. :)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

PC Show 2008.

Let me recall who went... Li yang, Vahnbeo, Jian Feng, Kenneth, Jonny, Marvin and his gf, Tian Shuo and his gf, David, Guan Zhong and Jeffrey. Now that's quite a lot. No wonder we moved in 2 different teams. Kinda squeezy inside the fair.

No. 1 lesson learnt: Never wear slippers when you're intending to visit crowded places.
My poor feet was stepped on by countless people, including a child! Wearing shoes is a better choice.

Haha, I think my greatest achievement is helping Marvin get the free trolley. The person claim only those who purchase a screen of size 22" and above and get it and we can't as the screen Marv bought is 19" only.

Marv with his gf and the trolley!

Me: No free trolley arh?
Salesperson: Oh, the trolley is only for those *blah blah blah*. Your screen 19", easier to carry around ma, somemore you all guys! Can rotate around.
Me: Huh.. 想拿给妈妈的leh!
Salesperson: Okay, I give it to you at the back *I suppose she dun wan to let people see me with a trolley and a 19" screen*

Wah, so good leh! I was kidding about bringing it for my mum though. It was nonetheless a nice gesture. Heh.

We walked in 2 different groups and ended up having the same chio mouse. Haha.

I didn't take much photos at the fair cos it's damn squeezy. We went to Ajitei to have dinner. Some pictures of what we ate...
Hawaiian Chicken?

Chuka Hotate.

All-time-favourite Unagi.

Omu rice.

Some fried stuff with super flowy stuff inside.

Vahnbeo insisted we must have this. Inside contains a lot of veggies though. Creamy!

Vahnbeo, Li yang and David.

Chris, Jonny and me.

Btw these are the June babies (front row) plus Vahnbeo at the back.

Thanks dudes for the chocolate cake, although David forgot Chris don't take chocolate stuffs. Haha. :x

Friday, June 13, 2008

The Wait is over!

Finally! The long-awaited day has arrived! The Macbook Pro! Let me show you some pictures of me unwrapping it.

The boxes it came in! The one on top contains the free ipod touch. Which I sold it for $440 already. Kinda sad but I can't afford to have another mp4 player when my creative zen vision:m is still working fine for me. :)


Opening up...

Sleek and light.

Booting up...

The ambient sensor lights! Damn cool. :D

Special thanks to my uncle for helping me purchase the Macbook Pro! Bugged Li yang yesterday nite regarding some help on mac interface. Thanks dude. :)

Sis's friend bought a snack for us to eat...

Tokyo Banana. Hm, looks interesting.

Many small banana cakes.

Never seen this kinda stuff before but the texture realli looks like a banana.

Omg, taste nice. See the mashed banana inside. Lol. Thanks for the bananas dude.

Oh yah, I bought my 1st concert tickets!
I'm glad we (Hq, Kong and me) are going to attend the F.I.R concert! Can't wait for 8 Aug to fly by. :D

I always cross the road w/o waiting for the green light (depends also la!) and do not wish the children on either side of the road (if there are any) to learn and pick up this bad habit. Unfortunately, when a kid was opposite the road and I crossed.

Kid: *shrieked* Papa! That person never wait for the green light and he crossed...
Papa: Orh... (I think he gave his son a better answer when I was out of the hearing distance).

Happy 22th Birthday Chris and Happy 20th Birthday to Jeremy Chng! (although I dun think they visit my blog.)

Sunday, June 08, 2008

A little paranoid.

Ahhhh! Haben receive the "Store Order Shipment Notification email" from Apple yet. I tot it is immediately?! Oh yah, bought the Macbook Pro and it comes with a free Ipod Touch! Woots! Going to sell it off and I'll be buying the MBP for 2.3k effectively! :D

Wait till I lay my hands on you!

Who wants to go to the F.I.R concert this 8 Aug at 8pm?! PM me!!! Let's go together. Damn excited la. Did I mention F.I.R is a super friendly and amazing band? I went for their autograph session once and Faye looked and waved at me ( I was standing at the 1st row) !!! :D Somemore they requested fans to stay behind so they could take a photo with us with we wished. Although I remembered vividly Hq and Ck pulled me away cos they had to go home and we had no camera. Boo. Anyway, who wants to go watch them rock?! WOOHOO...

Sian. Doing duty in camp now, not guard duty but something else. Just finished my upsized doublecheese burger meal plus green tea mcflurry. Damn full now. The lame delivery man called me to say he reach the gate already but no one was there when I turned up. Think he was quite pissed with the people who are late to collect the food. I shall go rest a bit now. :)

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Can you not lean so near?

I can't believe what I did just now. Cleaning up a huge pile of cat dung. Yes, it was friggin smelly and I strongly believe the size of the dung is on par with that from a human being. Grrr, now I know why the cat was meowing so frequently yesterday nite, perhaps she was hinting us that she needa explode. Haha... The kittens damn cute la. They are growing at such an accelerated rate, I think they will be reaching adult stage soon enough. Really hope they can get responsible owners to care for them. Been sourcing for them lately but to no avail.

Chris and Clarence left Delta coy already. Wish them all the best! Only 1 more batch of NSFs to "ORD" in Sept before the Nov batch!!! Can't wait...

I was in the MRT on Sunday and I was leaning against the glass panel beside the door. There's always a metal grip pole by the glass panel rite? There's this balding guy in his forties who practically had half of his body leaning on the pole, sharing the glass panel with me. WTF?! I felt awkward and tried to elbow my arm so he could get the hint. BUT HE DIDN'T! I couldn't take it anymore and said,"Can you not lean so near?". He gave me this super innocent look and backed off with his hand holding on to the bar. -.-"

Feeling damn sian rite now... Help me... Argh, I hate this kinda feeling.