Sunday, March 23, 2008

1st visit to a church

Went to a church for the first time in my life today because my brother is going to be baptised. It was quite a new experience, considering the fact that many people are singing christian songs rather energetically and loud together.

Being touched by the Pastor.

When we were seated, a lady came to give us some paper to write our names and contacts down. Was a bit reluctant to write (I'm a free-thinker btw) but gave in after my sister mentioned it's just for the procedure since we came to this church. But a few minutes later...
-.-" Looking from another perspective, it's a rather nice gesture although I'd really wish our names wouldn't appear there.

Cousin and I.
Family with the Pastor.

Proceeded for my vocal class next. Maggie lao shi didn't really want me to sing Zui Chang De Dian Ying! She say it's very easy to make mistakes for that song and since I'm in beginner course.. shouldn't really pick that hard a song. Guess I'll just stick to my Fei Ni Mo Shu.

Went to eat Omu rice with Wen Yang after lesson as we were both hungry.
Looks nice rite. But it's quite plain. Plain but edible.

Saw this at Taka. Fresh air!

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