Sunday, December 28, 2008

What you see is what you get.

24th Dec-Christmas's eve

I worked in the kitchen from 8am-4pm and continued working at night as a waiter. There was this annual christmas feast at around 9pm. Didn't take much photos cos the mood wasn't there.

Some photos below...

Shu Ping and Geraldine. I haben seen Shu Ping for years! OMG.

Me, Geraldine, Shu Ping with Debbie on top.


I managed to kope one of the roe sushi!!!

Kareen, Amanda and me. I haben seen Amanda for years too. :)

So many people. Lazy to label.

Yifang, Wei Jie (same chinese name as me!), me with Amanda on top.

Auntie Hannah and me.

Oh yah, Auntie A got on my nerves again. She knows I am treating her to be non-existant. I must fully utilise this "privilege" because there is no such thing in army! You don't talkback at your superior. Auntie A is not my superior but she works there for rather long anyway, so must give face, but I am not giving any now. This was what happened.

Uncle B was asking me to help cut cucumbers for A to make achar.
Me: *cut cut cut and placed cut cucumbers into a plastic bag*
Uncle B: *brings more cucumbers for me to cut*
Me: *went to get another plastic bag as the current bag was about to be full soon*

Me: *picks a bag and checked for holes*

A: YOU DON'T PUT INTO ANOTHER BAG HOR!!!!!!!!! MAKE ME CONFUSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *plus her usual fucked-up face*

I dunno why there was this sudden surge of anger within me and I retorted.
Me: You don't want another bag next time tell me earlier can or not?! *face turns black*
A: *stares at me* (I guess she wasn't expecting a retort from me.)
Me: *stares back and walked off*

FUCK YOU. Auntie A doesn't appreciate my effort and treats me for granted. She barks at us poor waiters and waitress if we order too many fruit juices from her. Hello? Its the customers who want them, not us. If you find it tough, then just quit! I am not going to give her face anymore. Bear the full wrath of my fury!!! *ROARS*

25th Dec-Christmas

Gathered at Bing Qin's hse. I was the first to reach her house at Teck Whye. More came and then we headed to Teck Whye market to have dinner. After that we slacked around, played taboo with Ying Siew, Shan Shan and Bao Xin. Thought I could win when teamed with Shan Shan but was proven wrong! Lol... Taboo is really a funny game. The rest played mahjong in the living room.

Getting ready for gift-exchange...

Pls place your gifts in the centre!!!

Bao Xin got scalded by Kok Weng's motorbike and we think the boomerang looks like the red patch on her leg. XD

I asked Ying Siew to pretend to be excited because this photo was taken about a minute after opening up her present. Lol.

Bao Xin got a domo-kun pouch.

Elson got underwear as present.

Lee Chiu got this cute hello kitty with an assortment of stuffs inside. I think I remembered seeing vitamins...

Bing Qin got this miniature mahjong set from Ying Siew. It was a birthday gift plus christmas gift. No wonder so big.

Langer got a shirt.

Left early as I need to wake up at 8am tml to work!

27th Dec

We went to Tian Shuo's house for a gathering! Mark was already there when we reached. But he left in a short while later and never came back. Lol. Didn't take much photo cos was busy playing mahjong with mainly, Marvin, Jeffrey and Corliss (Tian Shuo's gf)

My tiles kinda sucked...

Tian Shuo made this for Corliss a very long time ago and we found it funny/interesting while gross at the same time. Cotton turtles soaked in water! Haha.. but gross it may be, it's still sweet to the receiver. :)

6 people playing against the computer!

We ordered KFC for dinner and amazingly, it was a filling meal. Lol. I left early (again!) as I was not feeling very well and had vocal lesson the next day. Just nice my family were passing by Orchard. Wished I could stay to ton further. Thanks for organising, Tian Shuo! Damn, I am beginning to miss army life. Its all these great buddies you befriend that make army seemed like a painless journey. :D

Damn, I dropped by braces on the toilet floor and it fell into the drain that seems bottomless. -_-

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


As the title suggests, I have finally completed my National Service and is now a free-man! It feels like I've just been exonerated. Okay, this sounds a bit on the extreme end. Wearing the smartest no.4 on my last day was the "stupid-est" decision I made because I have not washed it for a year since I wore it in Nov'07 for our first RSM parade. I felt damn itchy and hot for the entire day! Not forgetting the fact that we still need to collect more signatures for our clearance form by travelling around the camp.

conclusion:Never wear clothes that you have not washed for a year (or more). Sounds stupid rite, who would do it anyway.

No more:
1) Freaking cold showers in the night. (Can I make the appeal that making water heaters available is a basic necessity? :) )
2) Food that I find distasteful. Some people find the food asthetically pleasing and tastes marvelous. Right vahnbeo?
3) Bad-tempered SFI (Singapore Food Industries) uncles. Aunties are generally okay except for one! You guys should be able to guess who I am referring to. Haha. I think even the uncles "look" at ranks.
4) Short hair. I look ugly with long hair but I am annoyed by people who keep touching my head in a bid to show my hair is long.
5) Sleeping at the designated hour! (The nite is still young! I can last thru'!)
6) Exercise at the stipulated days of the week. I think this will make me grow fat but I dislike the regimentation involved even in exercising. Come on! Give us a break.
7) Sai-kangs/"arrows"/duties of all sorts.

I did not disclose anything I'm not supposed to and hence you can see I've used words like,"designated" and "stipulated". I'm so "kiasu" rite.

Now for the good points...
1) Cold showers does not pose a threat to me anymore. :)
2) I can survive through famine even in times of crisis where food are scarce and the food that is available tastes uncanny and weird.
3) I have learnt how to deal with people with a bad-temper. Oh really? Piss them off further. :)
4) To maintain my crop of hair so that I look presentable to the people around me.
5) My body can sleep late or early if I command it to. Isn't it wonderful?
6) Exercising with regimentation increases team spirit and trains your breath.
7) I have learnt to be optimistic even in times of crisis.

Honestly speaking, I love the camaraderie and team spirit when our company work together towards a certain goal. It just makes me feel that the effort we've put in is worthwhile afterall. Moreover, you get to know people of various backgrounds and learn how to work with each of them. Not only that, our superiors are understanding and does not give unreasonable tasks. I must say, it has really been an enjoyable time for me in 8 Signal Bn.

Now! A picture of me with my prized pinky.
You can see my bob-hairstyle clearly in the pic. Haha.

Off to bed I shall. Good nite butties. :D

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Mdm Jayne's wedding dinner

Sorry this post had to come so late. The wedding dinner was held at Marina Mandarin Hotel on 031108. We (army guys) reached there the earliest apart from the reception where we found our dear OC, Cpt Don sitting amidst 5 (or 4?) ladies. I heard it's Mdm Jayne's idea to put him there so as to intro the girls to him. Anyway, I made something for Mdm!

I saw it at my cousin's wedding and decided to do this for her. I printed this (almost A1 in size) and gave it to her.

What can a bunch of bored army guys do? Sounds kinky but NO. Photo-taking's the activity. :)


We ate quite a few of the samosas and sandwiches at the reception.

We are going to ORD this year (mine's later, literally)!!! Except Kenneth (1st row, 2nd from left) who gotta catch up!

I posted this in facebook. Guan Zhong caught me off-guard, or rather was playing with my camera.

I didn't take this photo. Vahnbeo took it. -.-

Mdm Jayne and her husband, Krys taking a shot with us...

We went up to Mdm's hotel room to sight-see and it was indeed very spacious! Marina Mandarin mah... Very "atas" one.

Its 2.25am now and will be reporting back to camp at 12pm to get my pink IC. It feels just like getting your O or A level results but minus the jittery feeling because it isn't the case of a "bad IC" or an "outstanding IC". Haha. Wad shit am I talking. Surfing for a bit more and off to dreamland. zzz.

Next post: Me and my pink IC

Friday, September 12, 2008

Where's my food?!

You can't imagine what happened to us today at the cookhouse.


(ok, technically speaking it's the chicken drumstick only, but it was the highlight of the meal!)

Here's how it goes...

We were walking happily to the cookhouse, queued up for the SFI (Singapore Food Industries) uncles and aunties to give us our share (non-halal meal) for each dish and we were told there weren't enough drumsticks for us. Uncle A told us to go to the place where officers take their food from to get the drumsticks. And so we went.

Me: Uncle B, can we have the drumsticks?
Uncle B: You all go to the muslim side and get the drumsticks. ( To avoid confusion, he meant for us to go to the place where halal food is being served to get the chicken. )

Proceeded there...

Me: Auntie A, can we have the drumsticks?
Auntie A: What drumsticks?! Who tell you all come here one?
Me: Nor! The uncle there...He said not enough, asked us to try here.
Auntie A: No!!! That guy can say whatever he want, no chicken here.
Me: Can you all sort out your stuffs and not unleash ur anger on us? I'm gonna complain to Mr C! (cookhouse manager)
Auntie A: Good! Go complain.

Actually I just wanted to scare the auntie a bit. We all were quite pissed off by then and proceeded to Uncle B to tell him there's no chicken left there too. Uncle B didn't want to entertain us and mumbled some stuff, continued serving the officers. After the officers have taken their food (drumsticks included),

Uncle B: *quickly use the metal lid to cover the pot of drumsticks and looks elsewhere, acting oblivious to our presence.*
Me: Where is our chicken?
Uncle B: Who ask you all come so late for lunch?
Me: It's onli 12.50pm and you're blaming it on us?
Uncle B: I never blame you...*continues to mumble something to make himself feel less guilty*

And so we had to suffice with 50g of fish, some tasteless and dry french fries, dull-looking cauliflower and a bowl of rice for lunch. May be the uncle look down on lower-ranked people, that I'm not too sure. But what I am sure is, I didn't feel disappointed at all, because I didn't have any expectations of them to begin with. However, there are some really nice old folks working in the cookhouse.

Conclusion: A Hungry Man Is An Angry Man.

We went to draw blood at the Medical Centre in the afternoon because a blood sample is required for Medical FFI when you are going to ORD. The medic is really.. I dunno.. I think he kinda scared the shit out of me. Haha. He was a beginner and I was trying to remain calm when he poked me with the needle at the left arm.

EM (Experienced Medic): You see, remember to hold it like that, just now (The beginner drew blood from my friends previously.) you didn't hold it firmly, that's why like that. ( I have no idea what "like that" meant.)
BM (Beginner Medic): Ok ok. *wipes the place where he was going to draw my blood with alcohol swab*
BM: *pokes*
EM: You try pull the syringe.
BM: *pulls*
EM: Nothing right? That means you have to shift a bit to your right.
BM: *shifts*
EM: Your right lar!
BM: *shifts and pulls the syringe*
EM and BM: Ahhhh.. got blood liao!!!

Suddenly a lot of air bubbles appeared in the syringe and a distinctive *Pssst* sound was heard. The needle was out of my arm.

BM: *pokes the needle in again and pulls the syringe*

=.=" What a funny incident. BM can be pardoned since he's a beginner. Haha... Have to start from somewhere right? :)

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Farewell Li yang!

Woke up at 6.30am yesterday as we are going to send Li yang off to New York. Was late to meet with David and Guan Zhong at JE, but realised only David was there and Guan Zhong decided to ask his father to send him to the airport because he woke up late. Vahnbeo and Marv didn't pick up their phone as the two of them overslept. =.="

Well, anyway, we reached the airport on time!
Me, David, Li yang, Guan zhong and Sherman plus the two cute nieces of Li Yang. Haha.

Mdm Jayne and Jeffrey came along a while later.

I dunno about the rest, but I personally felt kinda sad when Li yang's about to leave Singapore to fly to New York to further his studies. I guess it was the time we all spent together in camp that forged this great friendship. Haha, anyway, I wish you success in your phd studies and to have a smooth-sailing time there. Take care and we shall meet soon. :)

Went home to sleep a little, after which I met up with kiat to go for class outing at Ding Tai Fung, Paragon, Orchard. We really spent quite a fair amount of time waiting for people. Maybe I shouldn't complain that much because I am a tardy person too. Haha, I ought to kick this bad habit. I am trying! I didn't take much photo because I didn't really have the mood to shoot that day. Most of the photos below weren't taken by me.

At Haagen...

The ice-cream sold are really expensive! I shared this with Kok yong. This chocolate explosion costs $18.90. =.=" I would rather have 5 cups of Venezia. But the taste is good though. Look at the patterns on the plate. I made them! Kinda fugly though.

Kiat and Jeremy.

Cheese. :x

Ying Siew and me proceeded to join KSS peeps at Partyworld Liang Court. I never knew Liang Court is the one beside the bus stop I take whenever I went to a pub. Haha, therefore, I learnt something new today.

Ying Siew and me reached there kinda early so we began to sing some S.H.E and duet songs. Haha, actualli quite fun to sing S.H.E songs cause a lot of funny falsettoes involved. Lol.

Group photo. :)

Friday, September 05, 2008

Penang Food

We went to Penang Place restaurant for the commemoration of Li yang and Chia who are going to ORD (they ord today!) this friday. Next up will be US who are going to ORD!!! I still remember vividly from the moment we trudged from SI to 8 Signal Battalion with our luggages which were of extreme weight. Okay, back to the dinner at the restaurant where I once worked there as a waiter!

This picture was taken to test the camera's ability to take smooth pictures while the car is moving. Haha.

Chilli Prawns. I didn't expect this dish because it appears randomly! My favourite dish of all. :)

The char kway teow to die for! :P

The assam laksa that perks up my tastebuds! A bit too spicy for me though. :P Looks like my tolerance for spicy food never got better! 3 years and going yet this is still too spicy for me. Haha.

Chris is happy he is able to feast like a king.

David and Vahnbeo.

David can't wait to gulp down the seafood soup.

Me, Li yang and Vahnbeo.

David, Li yang and Vahnbeo.

I somehow feel we are being permutated for a photoshoot! HAHAHA.

Jeremy, Li Yang and me.

David and Vahnbeo at the ice-making machine.






The family pic! Well, almost. Heh.

Next, we headed to Chevrons to sing as well as to wait for our dear OC, Mdm Jayne to come. Haha.

She looks serious while singing!



And tml we will be going to the airport to send Li yang off!!! Woots.
Realisation dawned on me as I read Eugene's blog. Although there will be people who disagrees with what you are doing, but as long as you know what you want to achieve, your goals and your dreams, nothing will be able to stop it, only an unwavering mind will defeat it. Having a goal in your life is better than having none, which the former makes your life meaningful. You only live once, take it or damn it. :)