Sunday, December 28, 2008

What you see is what you get.

24th Dec-Christmas's eve

I worked in the kitchen from 8am-4pm and continued working at night as a waiter. There was this annual christmas feast at around 9pm. Didn't take much photos cos the mood wasn't there.

Some photos below...

Shu Ping and Geraldine. I haben seen Shu Ping for years! OMG.

Me, Geraldine, Shu Ping with Debbie on top.


I managed to kope one of the roe sushi!!!

Kareen, Amanda and me. I haben seen Amanda for years too. :)

So many people. Lazy to label.

Yifang, Wei Jie (same chinese name as me!), me with Amanda on top.

Auntie Hannah and me.

Oh yah, Auntie A got on my nerves again. She knows I am treating her to be non-existant. I must fully utilise this "privilege" because there is no such thing in army! You don't talkback at your superior. Auntie A is not my superior but she works there for rather long anyway, so must give face, but I am not giving any now. This was what happened.

Uncle B was asking me to help cut cucumbers for A to make achar.
Me: *cut cut cut and placed cut cucumbers into a plastic bag*
Uncle B: *brings more cucumbers for me to cut*
Me: *went to get another plastic bag as the current bag was about to be full soon*

Me: *picks a bag and checked for holes*

A: YOU DON'T PUT INTO ANOTHER BAG HOR!!!!!!!!! MAKE ME CONFUSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *plus her usual fucked-up face*

I dunno why there was this sudden surge of anger within me and I retorted.
Me: You don't want another bag next time tell me earlier can or not?! *face turns black*
A: *stares at me* (I guess she wasn't expecting a retort from me.)
Me: *stares back and walked off*

FUCK YOU. Auntie A doesn't appreciate my effort and treats me for granted. She barks at us poor waiters and waitress if we order too many fruit juices from her. Hello? Its the customers who want them, not us. If you find it tough, then just quit! I am not going to give her face anymore. Bear the full wrath of my fury!!! *ROARS*

25th Dec-Christmas

Gathered at Bing Qin's hse. I was the first to reach her house at Teck Whye. More came and then we headed to Teck Whye market to have dinner. After that we slacked around, played taboo with Ying Siew, Shan Shan and Bao Xin. Thought I could win when teamed with Shan Shan but was proven wrong! Lol... Taboo is really a funny game. The rest played mahjong in the living room.

Getting ready for gift-exchange...

Pls place your gifts in the centre!!!

Bao Xin got scalded by Kok Weng's motorbike and we think the boomerang looks like the red patch on her leg. XD

I asked Ying Siew to pretend to be excited because this photo was taken about a minute after opening up her present. Lol.

Bao Xin got a domo-kun pouch.

Elson got underwear as present.

Lee Chiu got this cute hello kitty with an assortment of stuffs inside. I think I remembered seeing vitamins...

Bing Qin got this miniature mahjong set from Ying Siew. It was a birthday gift plus christmas gift. No wonder so big.

Langer got a shirt.

Left early as I need to wake up at 8am tml to work!

27th Dec

We went to Tian Shuo's house for a gathering! Mark was already there when we reached. But he left in a short while later and never came back. Lol. Didn't take much photo cos was busy playing mahjong with mainly, Marvin, Jeffrey and Corliss (Tian Shuo's gf)

My tiles kinda sucked...

Tian Shuo made this for Corliss a very long time ago and we found it funny/interesting while gross at the same time. Cotton turtles soaked in water! Haha.. but gross it may be, it's still sweet to the receiver. :)

6 people playing against the computer!

We ordered KFC for dinner and amazingly, it was a filling meal. Lol. I left early (again!) as I was not feeling very well and had vocal lesson the next day. Just nice my family were passing by Orchard. Wished I could stay to ton further. Thanks for organising, Tian Shuo! Damn, I am beginning to miss army life. Its all these great buddies you befriend that make army seemed like a painless journey. :D

Damn, I dropped by braces on the toilet floor and it fell into the drain that seems bottomless. -_-


Frey said...

"Its all these great buddies you befriend that make army seemed like a painless journey. :D"

totally agree man, anw it was so fun haha, everyone was so high, too bad i couldnt drink bleh. anw r u still fluuuey? get well soon if ur not.

Doughnut said...

thank you! :D