Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Mdm Jayne's wedding dinner

Sorry this post had to come so late. The wedding dinner was held at Marina Mandarin Hotel on 031108. We (army guys) reached there the earliest apart from the reception where we found our dear OC, Cpt Don sitting amidst 5 (or 4?) ladies. I heard it's Mdm Jayne's idea to put him there so as to intro the girls to him. Anyway, I made something for Mdm!

I saw it at my cousin's wedding and decided to do this for her. I printed this (almost A1 in size) and gave it to her.

What can a bunch of bored army guys do? Sounds kinky but NO. Photo-taking's the activity. :)


We ate quite a few of the samosas and sandwiches at the reception.

We are going to ORD this year (mine's later, literally)!!! Except Kenneth (1st row, 2nd from left) who gotta catch up!

I posted this in facebook. Guan Zhong caught me off-guard, or rather was playing with my camera.

I didn't take this photo. Vahnbeo took it. -.-

Mdm Jayne and her husband, Krys taking a shot with us...

We went up to Mdm's hotel room to sight-see and it was indeed very spacious! Marina Mandarin mah... Very "atas" one.

Its 2.25am now and will be reporting back to camp at 12pm to get my pink IC. It feels just like getting your O or A level results but minus the jittery feeling because it isn't the case of a "bad IC" or an "outstanding IC". Haha. Wad shit am I talking. Surfing for a bit more and off to dreamland. zzz.

Next post: Me and my pink IC

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