Friday, September 12, 2008

Where's my food?!

You can't imagine what happened to us today at the cookhouse.


(ok, technically speaking it's the chicken drumstick only, but it was the highlight of the meal!)

Here's how it goes...

We were walking happily to the cookhouse, queued up for the SFI (Singapore Food Industries) uncles and aunties to give us our share (non-halal meal) for each dish and we were told there weren't enough drumsticks for us. Uncle A told us to go to the place where officers take their food from to get the drumsticks. And so we went.

Me: Uncle B, can we have the drumsticks?
Uncle B: You all go to the muslim side and get the drumsticks. ( To avoid confusion, he meant for us to go to the place where halal food is being served to get the chicken. )

Proceeded there...

Me: Auntie A, can we have the drumsticks?
Auntie A: What drumsticks?! Who tell you all come here one?
Me: Nor! The uncle there...He said not enough, asked us to try here.
Auntie A: No!!! That guy can say whatever he want, no chicken here.
Me: Can you all sort out your stuffs and not unleash ur anger on us? I'm gonna complain to Mr C! (cookhouse manager)
Auntie A: Good! Go complain.

Actually I just wanted to scare the auntie a bit. We all were quite pissed off by then and proceeded to Uncle B to tell him there's no chicken left there too. Uncle B didn't want to entertain us and mumbled some stuff, continued serving the officers. After the officers have taken their food (drumsticks included),

Uncle B: *quickly use the metal lid to cover the pot of drumsticks and looks elsewhere, acting oblivious to our presence.*
Me: Where is our chicken?
Uncle B: Who ask you all come so late for lunch?
Me: It's onli 12.50pm and you're blaming it on us?
Uncle B: I never blame you...*continues to mumble something to make himself feel less guilty*

And so we had to suffice with 50g of fish, some tasteless and dry french fries, dull-looking cauliflower and a bowl of rice for lunch. May be the uncle look down on lower-ranked people, that I'm not too sure. But what I am sure is, I didn't feel disappointed at all, because I didn't have any expectations of them to begin with. However, there are some really nice old folks working in the cookhouse.

Conclusion: A Hungry Man Is An Angry Man.

We went to draw blood at the Medical Centre in the afternoon because a blood sample is required for Medical FFI when you are going to ORD. The medic is really.. I dunno.. I think he kinda scared the shit out of me. Haha. He was a beginner and I was trying to remain calm when he poked me with the needle at the left arm.

EM (Experienced Medic): You see, remember to hold it like that, just now (The beginner drew blood from my friends previously.) you didn't hold it firmly, that's why like that. ( I have no idea what "like that" meant.)
BM (Beginner Medic): Ok ok. *wipes the place where he was going to draw my blood with alcohol swab*
BM: *pokes*
EM: You try pull the syringe.
BM: *pulls*
EM: Nothing right? That means you have to shift a bit to your right.
BM: *shifts*
EM: Your right lar!
BM: *shifts and pulls the syringe*
EM and BM: Ahhhh.. got blood liao!!!

Suddenly a lot of air bubbles appeared in the syringe and a distinctive *Pssst* sound was heard. The needle was out of my arm.

BM: *pokes the needle in again and pulls the syringe*

=.=" What a funny incident. BM can be pardoned since he's a beginner. Haha... Have to start from somewhere right? :)

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