Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Year 2 Semester 1

My title is boring like hell I know. Hm, stayed up till 5.30am today (technically) to watch Despicable Me with my sis as I can't sleep due to the anxiety and the anticipation that began to sink into me. I suddenly woke up at around 8am to check my phone but it hadn't arrived. A minute or two later, I heard the vibration. Shit. I covered the screen with my palm and began to peek at each number within the sms.

CM2101 - B (Expected: B)
I really flunked this badly. I blanked out during the exam. 1st time it happened to me. :(

CM2102 - B (Expected: B+)
I thought I got the molecule correct?! The whole question was worth 20 marks! Sigh I think I know what was my achilles heel. Mass spectrometry was the culprit! I couldn't manage to do any of the question on that. :(

CM2111 - A (Expected: A-)
This came as a surprise and was my only saving grace. Thanks Dr. Sreeni! I'm glad I picked myself up (this paper was 2 days after my 1st, which was CM2101) and mugged really hard.

PC1326 - B (Expected: B+)
I have no luck when it comes to science gem. I really wanted to shout FUCK. I guessed I didn't do well for my term paper. Oh well. I hope I can break the "curse" for my biodiversity module next sem.

GEK1001 - B- (Expected: B-)
I totally regretted taking this module because this is a geography major's core module! I must be insane. Human and physical geography is never in my blood and this module was extremely time consuming. Had decided to S/U this freaking module.

So after exercising the S/U option, my cap is now 3.89. As compared to my last cap, which was 3.9, I dropped 0.01. Not too bad, but I'd wish I could do better (like always isn't it). I seem to be further and further away from my cap of 4. I need to achieve at least a cap of 4.3 for next sem! I can do it! GOGO! :D

Can't wait for tml! Gonna have stone cooking at stef's house. Mum helped to prepare her well-known (in the family) pork and I requested prawns (cos no one was bringing)! :D~

Monday, December 20, 2010


I sold my limegreen gameboy colour and wario 3 a couple of days ago to a pair of girls who arrived below my house in a cab for $60. The gameboy was my birthday present when I turned 12 and it had been with me for a decade and its still working! I'm such a good owner heh. I pondered for a while whether I should sell it but I have had no use for it and I believe it will be better off being cherished (I hope) by a new owner.

Farewell! Hope you get treated well.

Met up with Lloyd and xy as they wanted to "walk" in town. When I entered 313, it was crowded and guessed what I saw. Shaca carolling! The familiar faces I saw were only Kok yong and Li ke. We went to lan in the cafe where Tian is working at. I was sitting near this kid who was screaming at the top of his voice while playing counterstrike. Damn dulan sia. Anyway we decided to go check out Irodori Japanese Restaurant which was located in River view Hotel at Havelock Road. It was quite a long walk from Clarke Quay mrt station.

We finally reached the restaurant.


Sashimi! There were salmon, tuna, maguro, yellow tail and octopus! They were all very fresh. I think this is one of the best sashimi on freeflow for a buffet.

Complimentary BBQ prawns. It tasted creamy.

Our 2nd plate of sashimi!

My small bowl of udon.

Xy's small curry don. Had to take it with my hand to show the relative difference in size.

Shishamo which tasted cold and dull. lol. I generally do not like eating food items as a whole, like baby octopus for example.

Our 3rd plate of sashimi which only consisted of salmon.

Our 4th plate of sashimi.

The nett cost of the buffet was $38.80 per person. I think it was quite worth it for me. Xy didn't really eat a lot of sashimi except salmon so I felt it wasn't that good of an experience for him. The restaurant could have done a little better on the desserts section. There weren't any desserts to choose from! >: (

When we were walking back to the mrt station, we came across a bunch of people flying motor controlled LED kite in the sky. Quite a peaceful sight.

Time really flies! Tomorrow is Judgement day. Hope I do well. :(

Monday, December 13, 2010

It has been a long time, hasn't it?

Went to sing with my JC classmates at the 10 dollar club in Chinatown. Quite a lot of people turned up. We have Joycelyn, Wen yang, Kok yong, Qiu yan, Pristine, Edwin (from Joy's clique) and Jessica brought along 2 of her friends to join in the fun. Well I guess it wasn't really enjoyable for them because they were kinda quiet. I believe it was the unfamilarity between us and it's kinda hard to know someone in a noisy environment.

Dinner followed. We were all hungry and decided to just settle our meal at the roadstalls directly outside the KTV. The food was overly priced and tasted extraordinarily ordinary. Pity the foreigners. During dinner, I suggested watching Rapunzel and they gamely agreed. We trekked from Dhoby Ghaut to Bugis as Bugis GV was the only place near town that had seats for the 5 of us. Initially we went Dhoby Ghaut to try our luck at the GV in PS but it was completely filled. Damn.
Even though we missed the front 15 minutes of the show, but we caught on the storyline pretty fast (it's a disney movie afterall). The chameleon and the horse injected humour into the show. Rapunzel's hair glows golden when she sings and has healing powers. Funny.

Reached home pretty late and had a bath. Before I sat down in front of my mac, I sensed that the wind was rather strong and decided to take in the gust/breeze by my window. I totally shouldn't have done that because out of the blue, a strong gust of wind blew ash (from the incense pot) to my face while a part of the pot (the crown thing) got blown off and fell to ground level. o.o Had to wash my face and go down to pick that thing. zzz.

Till then. Sorry for the abrupt end.

Sunday, December 05, 2010

It's never too early.

Lee chiu decided to organize an early birthday celebration for bing qin, citing that the NTU peeps will be having exams during her actual birthday and cannot afford time to celebrate. So the 4 of us, Ying siew, Bao xin, Lai yan and I met up at Lot 1 to pick out a cake and a balloon before setting off for NTU's ADM building. Lilian hopped onto bus 172 that we were on and we reached our destination not long after (actually it was rather long, due to the excessive wait for bus 199).

We scaled the never-ending flight of stairs to reach the top (almost) of the grass patch and waited for Shan shan and Lee chiu to lure the unsuspecting Bing qin to where we were.
Getting ready!
Birthday girl.
We went to a korean bbq restaurant next.

Heard it was damn oily (the floor) and true enough, it can double as an ice-skating rink.
Not really obvious (the oil on the floor) but you could slide (or waltz) around easily.
Getting started!
Oily and sinful bacon that tasted good!
The bacon (I really must emphasize the "oilyness") goes very well with the juicy lettuce.
Group pic.

After that, we proceeded to Maxwell food market to finish the cake because the workers in the restaurant were already chasing us out. Next, Bing qin and a few of them decided to visit this club called Playclub (if I remember correctly). It's a club for people who are gay. Hmm, it was really an eye opener for me and I never really liked clubbing as well. So getting me to dance was like a chore. Bing qin kindly ferried all of us back. Thanks! :)

When I finally reached home and bathed, it was already 4.20am. Now I'm feeling super groggy and tired as well. I don't think my body can handle this late hour sleeping anymore.

Went to watch Harry potter with Jerel, Royston and his gf today. It was really good! I wept a tear or 2 when dobby was impaled by Bellatrix Lestrange's dagger. :(

Me: *Bellatrix Lestrange threw a dagger (I had no idea that it was a dagger) at Harry and team as they were disapparating* What? Why did she give her wand to them?
Jerel: It's a knife la hello!
Me: Oh?

Funeral for a friend.

Dobby last words were,"It's nice to be (or die) in a beautiful place in the company of friends". It's not really his exact words but it meant about the same to me.

Can't wait for the last instalment!

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Feast time!

Heard about this superb sashimi place from an aquaintance on facebook. He posted his sashimi photos online and I kinda chanced upon it. The amazing place is Fish Mart Sakuraya! Being an ardent fan of sashimi, I hesitated no further and organized a trip down with lloyd and stef. There were some communication problems and we ended up at Holland village. Luckily lloyd was able to ask his mom to drive us to Parkway Parade where the fish mart is. It's tucked quietly at one corner at basement 1! Upon entering, I realised they sell japanese dried food products, fresh fish imported from Japan and Norway (the lady behind the counter told me so) and a wide range of sake! We were peering into the glass to pick out the fishes that we want. Omg we were drooling like mad.
The treasure trove of raw delicacies.

Fish platter!
The pale beige one is the swordfish, the pale pink is the maguro while the orange is none other than Norway salmon! The quality and freshness is really on par with the one I had had at the Sydney Fish market! :D Perhaps we are too accustomed with the salmon already, so the three of us actually thought salmon is the best.

Trout Salmon.
The salesperson told us that this fish is from Japan and it is sweeter and firmer than the salmon from Norway. After tasting it, we still preferred the Norway version! This was a tad too firm and not really much sweeter. Nonetheless, it was extremely fresh!

Expensive tuna.
This was definitely the freshest I've tasted in Singapore. Firm bite and nice cut!

What's a Japanese meal without sake? :) We picked this one and it was refreshingly sweet.

Look at our contented faces! I will definitely visit this place again! Ain't sure for them. Lloyd said it was not bad. :/ Seriously, any fresher, you will have to fly to the Sydney Fish market.

Anyway, we patronized a KOI shop and this was what I saw.
Job as a part time anyone? *Attractive pay* :)

Till then!