Friday, January 07, 2011

The start of a new semester! (well, almost.)

I dread the start of the new semester because I think I have grown another bone. A lazy one. Pretty lame. Anyway I got all my 5 modules and I strongly feel that I'm gonna die. Organic chem, Analytical chem, Physical chem, Transition metal chem and biodiversity! I'll be a super science nerd and be stuck in FOS for the entire sem. How exciting.

Had no dinner the day before yesterdae so I asked David to eat dinner with me as I wanted to eat the famous chicken rice and the delicious rojak but both were not available! Darn. The chicken rice stall was like almost closing already as they had completely sold out their chicken, while the rojak uncle decided to take a break that day. FML. So we ended up eating frog legs porridge, which tasted very nice! Hopefully I get to eat the elusive chicken rice and the rojak later! Going to eat dinner with my army buddies later.

Went fishing yesterdae at Bedok Jetty with Lloyd and Stef! But before that we went to eat Mos burger for lunch and we gave Lloyd his birthday present (Stef gave alr but the present was really expensive so I had to ask her to chip in as I don't think anyone is willing to pay that amount of money! Not saying Lloyd's 人缘 not 广!) I asked Roy to come fish with us as I saw his fishing photos the day before and Roy brought along Tuan quan and Ming Jie.

All busy with their stuffs except Stef who was free enough to be in the picture.

The 3 musketeers came in the same fishing tool box, which was named "Sure Catch".

Lloyd preparing the rods and the nets, with our help!

It was drizzling and the wind was rather chilly but we continued fishing. This was my first time fishing! Indeed exciting! I caught 2 fishes in my entire life! I was like asking Lloyd how it felt when the fish got hooked. The vibration is obvious! The hardest part was to unhook the fishes and to throw it into the bucket. They were flailing damn badly and making some "gawk gawk" noises which really made Stef uncomfortable and she felt sad for them. Nonetheless, she told me they tasted damn good. The irony of life. An uncle caught 5 fishes at one time! Amazing! Anyway the fishes that we caught were either kunning or taman (I better credit this to stef, who told me their names.)

I caught a baby grouper! Damn cute and small! We quickly threw it back to the sea. I hope it didn't die.

Two mini crabs! These were the 2 biggest that we saw for the day and we threw them back to the sea.

Me fishing!

Roy, Tq and Mj left soon after and we continued to fish till about 8.15pm, after which we set off for Popeyes! Super hungry and we wolved down our meals. The journey back home was relatively short as there was someone to talk to along the journey. Travelling from Bedok to CCK is no joke. Upon reaching home, I washed the fishes and put them in the fridge. My brother told me that mum don't like these kinda things. As in she feels that it is cruel to catch fish but it is different if one buys fish from a fishmonger. True enough, when I woke up and told her where my catch was, she told me not to fish again! D: We'll see about that.

Till then.

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