Sunday, January 23, 2011


We cleaned out our frog porridge!

David was satisfied with the frog porridge.

A photo of us eating a couple of weeks back.

Donated blood last week. Thanks mao mao for accompanying me. He got extra freebies. Lol.

My bag of blood. Taken by mao mao.

Damn sian, I got silver for my ippt. Ironically, it was the 2.4km that was my achilles heel. I had stitches right from the start and there were hordes of people taking the left lane that made overtaking extremely tough. I thought I stood a chance at gold especially when I got 234cm for my standing broad jump on my 4th try! :(

*$200 dollars added*

Saturday, January 22, 2011


OMGWTFBBQ. I just spent 6hours mapping modules for my SEP. I hope I'll be chosen to go. :( But it comes with a price! I have to forgo my EURIP, if I get chosen that is. Anyway I still have 2 lab reports to complete so when I wake up tomorrow, the first thing comes into my mind is physical chemistry! D: Hopefully I'll complete it by Sunday late noon so that I'll have time to myself. I wanted to say that it will be the time for me to revise, but playing dota will make me more sane and less of a nerd. What am I blabbering about, I have no idea. Perhaps it time to hit the sack.

Ironically, the title of the passage has got something to do with my english name, if I did not interpret it wrongly that is. I'm supposed to be good at making decisions. I did. Now its time to press on.

Ah! Ippt later! I hope I get gold. Thanks kong for helping me train for my 2.4km run. If I get gold, I'll treat you to foooooooood. Your chicken rice is still on, david. Haha.

Nite all.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


It was supposed to be a quest for marine food (Hooked!, which was located at railmall), but it was not open for business! Damn. I think heaven decided to make it up to us with delicious cheesecakes from Allanbakes! I first heard about it in New Zealand from Kong's friend, Kelvin, who gave a super good review about it. We so happen to pass by Bukit Timah Plaza yesterday (while on our quest) and I had this urge in me to go find that bakery. So off we went! Initially, we couldn't locate the shop but guess who I saw! The owner of the bakery was hastily wiping his hands on his apron (I think he visited the loo) while walking towards the NTUC finest! We followed him and he led us to the right place! :D

Finally found the place!

An array of choices.

Lloyd's strawberry cheesecake with crunchy bottom! ($5.50)

My blackberry cheesecake w/o crunchy bottom! ($7.50)

Stef's chocolate fudge cake! ($4.20)

Roy's chicken pie!

Conclusion: The cheesecakes were really nice! Smooth and velvety. Why is blackberry the same colour as blueberry when they are baked?

Lloyd was about to buy eclair but Mr Allan (the owner of the bakery) refused payment and treated us! O_O Freakin' nice guy.

Just as we were about to leave, Mr Allan rushed out with his tray with hot piping cookies for us to try! :D

It was buttery in flavour and very crispy! Being a baker myself, I know its super heaty to eat freshly baked stuffs. But nonetheless, it was really tasty! :D~

Mr Allan was quite humourous when he told us to blog about it! Free advert! I know he won't know the existence of this blog, but here it is! For the friendly baker!

After the cheesecakes, we proceeded to Hooked! to find that it was closed. So after our pathetic dinner (Ah Mei cafe and 24Eat), we decided to treat ourselves to drinks at Harry's.

My Harry's Berllini. Peaches and a cherry inside.

Roy's Jungle Juice, which has a unique aftertaste.

Stef's Dirty Harry.

Lloyd's drink, which I had forgotten the name. :X

All the drinks cost 15 dollars nett!

Till then! Time for dinner.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Old Brown Shoe

Had my first life science practical involving wildlife on friday! It was quite an experience as I found that the teaching assistants of the life science labs are generally friendly and amicable! This is in contrast to the angsty chemistry people. The practical required us to look at the different species of leaves and to find out their identities. Unfortunately, after the sorting of leaves, we were unable to walk the Kent Ridge trail as it was pouring meows and woofs.

Lelong lelong! Veggies on sale!

Acacia. It doesn't have true leaves in adult form! The leaves are flattened stalks. O_O

 The practical was fun and relaxing, poles apart from what I'd experienced in chemistry labs so far.

Went to Old Brown Shoe with Kiat and Kong. Heard the fish and chips is legendary! After much detour , we finally reached the place.

My Strongbow which is a cider! It had a subtle taste of apple. Very refreshing! They didn't order beer! D:

Some german sausage! The portion was rather small.

Guess what is this! Our meal!

Fish and chips! It tasted fresh but it was quite oily! I was bloated even till I was about to turn in for the night.

Fright nite was live band nite for Old Brown Shoe. We listened while the band belted out really retro songs and I could only identify the song,"Satisfaction". Next up was island creamery, which we had difficulty locating (not again!).

Teh Tarik (chosen by me), Pulut Hitam (chosen by kong) and Ping Pong Milo (chosen by kiat).

Saw Joy there! What a surprise.

Till then!

Friday, January 07, 2011

The start of a new semester! (well, almost.)

I dread the start of the new semester because I think I have grown another bone. A lazy one. Pretty lame. Anyway I got all my 5 modules and I strongly feel that I'm gonna die. Organic chem, Analytical chem, Physical chem, Transition metal chem and biodiversity! I'll be a super science nerd and be stuck in FOS for the entire sem. How exciting.

Had no dinner the day before yesterdae so I asked David to eat dinner with me as I wanted to eat the famous chicken rice and the delicious rojak but both were not available! Darn. The chicken rice stall was like almost closing already as they had completely sold out their chicken, while the rojak uncle decided to take a break that day. FML. So we ended up eating frog legs porridge, which tasted very nice! Hopefully I get to eat the elusive chicken rice and the rojak later! Going to eat dinner with my army buddies later.

Went fishing yesterdae at Bedok Jetty with Lloyd and Stef! But before that we went to eat Mos burger for lunch and we gave Lloyd his birthday present (Stef gave alr but the present was really expensive so I had to ask her to chip in as I don't think anyone is willing to pay that amount of money! Not saying Lloyd's 人缘 not 广!) I asked Roy to come fish with us as I saw his fishing photos the day before and Roy brought along Tuan quan and Ming Jie.

All busy with their stuffs except Stef who was free enough to be in the picture.

The 3 musketeers came in the same fishing tool box, which was named "Sure Catch".

Lloyd preparing the rods and the nets, with our help!

It was drizzling and the wind was rather chilly but we continued fishing. This was my first time fishing! Indeed exciting! I caught 2 fishes in my entire life! I was like asking Lloyd how it felt when the fish got hooked. The vibration is obvious! The hardest part was to unhook the fishes and to throw it into the bucket. They were flailing damn badly and making some "gawk gawk" noises which really made Stef uncomfortable and she felt sad for them. Nonetheless, she told me they tasted damn good. The irony of life. An uncle caught 5 fishes at one time! Amazing! Anyway the fishes that we caught were either kunning or taman (I better credit this to stef, who told me their names.)

I caught a baby grouper! Damn cute and small! We quickly threw it back to the sea. I hope it didn't die.

Two mini crabs! These were the 2 biggest that we saw for the day and we threw them back to the sea.

Me fishing!

Roy, Tq and Mj left soon after and we continued to fish till about 8.15pm, after which we set off for Popeyes! Super hungry and we wolved down our meals. The journey back home was relatively short as there was someone to talk to along the journey. Travelling from Bedok to CCK is no joke. Upon reaching home, I washed the fishes and put them in the fridge. My brother told me that mum don't like these kinda things. As in she feels that it is cruel to catch fish but it is different if one buys fish from a fishmonger. True enough, when I woke up and told her where my catch was, she told me not to fish again! D: We'll see about that.

Till then.

Sunday, January 02, 2011

My Favourite Month of the Year

My Mac cannot connect to my mio router during these few days thus I cannot upload my photos which resulted in the lack of postings. Anyway, Merry Christmas (uber late) and Happy New Year! We went to Stef's house for stone cooking! Royston and I kinda got lost while on the way to her home. We missed the bus stop and went all the way to CJC. Finally alighted at the right bus stop after boarding the bus from the opposite side.It was fun and I got to play with her unresponsive meow meow.

Stef had us try her mushroom soup. It was too watery! Nonetheless, it was a good attempt! You can hardly find any girls who can cook nowadays.

Getting started!

Copying the korean style by wrapping the meat in some crunchy veggie. It tasted good! Even better with the sour chilli that my mom made. :D~

The prawns were damn nice. We decided to deshell the prawns before putting it on the stone for convenience. We were all quite afraid of the sausages because the water that was inside the bubble between 2 connecting sausages kept threatening to explode and spill its hot content at us. :O

More prawns!

Bloated souls.

Left her abode after eating for 3hrs! Super full and decided to cab home. :x

I watched Tron Legacy with my sec sch buddies at Cathay on Christmas's Eve. Had a super filling dinner at Aston as usual.

Tron legacy
Overall it was rather nice but the ending was weird though. How could a virtual girl turn into human?

My army buddies and I spent boxing day at Tian shuo's house! Lesser people turned up every year. Some didn't reply on facebook!

My initial plan for New Year's Eve was to get Kiat and I to be at Kong's house to play with the kitten and catch up but Kong can't as he had agreed to go Universal Studios with Kelvin for the celebration. Kelvin had complimentary tickets (via ballot) while I had to search high and low for a pair of tickets to go with Hong qi. I paid $35 per person for the ticket. -.-" After the entire event, it was good! I'm glad I paid (Hq too) for the ticket because it was such a blast! Much better than squeezing with throngs of people at the Marina Bay which was a complete bummer. Not only can we watch fireworks (albeit a toned down version as compared to the magnificent display at Marina Bay), we get to watch it with a satisfied tummy! The "free" ticket each had a complimentary meal and we chose to eat fried chicken at Goldilocks, which was done just right! Not too cold and not too hot. :)

My meal! My first time in years eating corn outside home. Gets stuck in my teeth often but it didn't this time round. Wouldn't want to get spotted with leftover corn plastered on my teeth!

Wait a minute, I thought Goldilocks dealt with porridge? Unhealthy Goldilocks. Who cares. Haha.

A mini roller coaster ride! The banner of GingerBread man damn cute. Haha. This is my first time riding a roller coaster in Singapore in years. We never thought they include rides like this in the package! We were screaming because we didn't expect to be on a roller coaster. It was like... You walk into a classroom, expecting to have lessons but you found everyone swimming in a mobile pool. Ok, lame analogy.

Some cute castle where we watched Shrek 4D! It was a good ride! :D

With Charlie Chaplin! I am trying to mime but failed terribly.

With Sexy Betty Boop! I was trying to copy her pose but Hong qi couldn't do that in time. Haha.

The fireworks was good! We were so near till I had some unknown firework dust in my eye. I would go every year for the celebration if I can! It was an enjoyable process, totally different if I were to be at Marina Bay. Got a lift home by Hq's parents. :D

Happy New Year everyone. Hope the new year will be a good one.