Saturday, February 09, 2008


Finally, the rat year has creeped by. Went to grandparents' house as usual...
Sis took this while I was trying to adjust the length of my jeans. Forgot to bring back the blue one from camp, so had to wear the black one.

Reached there and had lunch, gambled and chatted...
Day shoot. Omg, I sound like someone from a firing range. :x

The 3rd generation! Watch out!

Night shoot. Cos my 2nd aunt din appear in the 1st. :)


Ok. Went JB next early morning, haben been there for years.

Cousin helping out... (Guess she purposely posed there... No la!!! She's the very embodiment of a good housewife everyone would desire -.-)

Food! :D~



Everyone's favourite Shandy. But can't bring to Singapore! Drank 3 cans there. :)

These 2 damn cute rite. I'm biao shu (sounds very old leh, I prefer they call me kor kor) to the two kids!

The small little gal so funny, she's only 4 but she noes a lot of stuffs! Like I was plaeing with her by throwing her up in the air and catching her when she drops down a.k.a "飞飞" and I asked her to gimmie a rating of 1-10 for excitement.

Me: Yuan yuan!! Yao bu yao fei fei?
YY: Yao!! *nods her head*
Me: Na ru guo yi dao shi (1-10), ni yao duo ci ji?
YY: Yi Qian!!!
Me: *stunned*

So the day juz went by with her bugging me for more and more "飞飞". Rong Sheng (the boy) also wan "飞飞"!!! Omg, I tried but failed miserably as he's too heavy.

Oh yar, I saw Rong Sheng in the kitchen and this is the first time I saw him since he was an infant. Grow up liao also very cute.

Me: Ni dong wo shi shui ma?
RS: Bu dong *nods his head slowly*
Me: Ni xiao shi hou wo jiu you bao guo ni de!!! Wo shi ni papa de mama de mei mei de er zi!!! Ting de dong ma? (I kinda expected a no)
RS: Ting de dong. *smiles cheekily*

Really? Lol.


Cousins unite! Okay, technically speaking, we are one generation older. Children unite!!!

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