Sunday, February 24, 2008

Tell me.

Going to post some photos during our visit to Yi Hua auntie's house last week. She took care of us (3! mind you!) whenever my mum needed the helping hand as she's busy with work. Now that we're so old, time realli flies...

The lady in fuchsia-coloured shirt is Yi Hua auntie.

My brother plaeing with the dog.

Damn cute la. See the legs that are ripped on the poor barney.

My sis is afraid of the dog. So everytime she comes, she will sit on the sofa with her legs liddat.

And Yi Hua auntie prepares the food for us! Sangkew. :)

Me with doggie.


Strangely, we didn't take any photos with Yi Hua auntie and her husband! ._.

Chevrons singing with JC peeps! Wen yang didn't make it again. My voice was okay! Damn happy cos it wasn't as sucky as wednesdae's.


Me and Na Kok.

Group photo.

Virgin Mary. Never order this fucking drink. Damn digusting. It smells like runny eggs + pepper. Tastes obnoxious. ( I won't say taste like shit cos I've never tasted shit before. Heh. )

Kok yong: Now I finally know why it's called Virgin Mary.
Me: How come? *curious*
Kok yong: Cos it tastes so disgusting that no one wants to touch it.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. *agrees wholeheartedly*

Followed by dinner, movie and pub with Delta peeps!

At a restaurant named "Fins" at Marina Square.

Jeffery feeling high with his medium sirloin steak.

Vahnbeo. Look at his beady eyes. Don't you wish you could swallow that. Kiddin. LOL.

Me and Kenneth acting spastic with our fish combo basket.

Damn cheat lor. The bucket so big but the food portion is small. But tastes rather well though. Haha.

And David feels gloomy cause he got cheated of $4.50 for a small slice.

And look at what Chris got for the same price.
Still got one small pop of ice-cream. No wonder David is sadded. Lol.

We went to watch L!
He hasn't been sleeping for months. Possibly years.

Priority queue (background) was longer than normal queue (foreground)!!! WTF. Oh yah! Kudos to Kenneth for treating us to the movie! Wasn't cheap at all for 10 peeps.

Got free L Chocolate somemore. But I wan the L chocolate thumbdrive leh.

The movie was really nice although it had no links from Deathnote. We all think the 5 sec Misa scene was cut from the original movie. Well, they had to cos they needed to link to the original movie. 4.2/5 for the movie! :)

Next up, we went to the pub Chris recommended. He opened 2 Martell! Omg. Costs $144 each. Dun blame me la, I veri sua gu de cos I don't have the habit of going to pubs. Haha. Played Dices and etc. Quite fun though. I didn't drink that much but only green tea. Didn't want to drink cos I have vocal lesson on the next day... Sorry Chris! My steel-hardness determination pro right. :P

Vahnbeo enjoying himself at the pub. 10/10 for effort (arteries and veins coming out liao)! :D

Really enjoyed myself tonight! :D

Friday, February 15, 2008

Ah Long Pte Ltd

Went to watch that movie with Hq after we found ourselves too bored one fine day. I'm actually not very inclined to watch Jack Neo's productions cos we all have eyes to see and ears to hear, you know what I mean. So after much persuasion, I relented and gave Jack Neo a chance.
It didn't turn out that bad leh! Was actually laughing thru-out the show, guess Mark Lee is an expert in that kinda feminine role. One thing which I found eerie was the part where the tomboy gal suddenly had long hair. Look like Sadoko can.


Valentine's day slipped by yesterday.. Like I was telling Hq,"I already spent 19years of Valentine's day alone, spending one more alone is okay de". But that only applies to me cos I think I forgot how it feels like to like someone. So sad! No la, being single is good too. :)

My phone plan is going to expire in abt 6 days to reach the 21th month! Dunno whether if I should wait for the plan to totally expire in May so I can switch to a better service provider and by this I mean Starhub's reception is fucking lousy. I repeat, fucking lousy. Imagine you can't even have a proper conversation in the train! And so much for advertising that you have full coverage at street-level. Pleasssse, if you don't even have that kind of standard, den you can wrap up ur business. Okay, if I decide to sign another 2 years with Starhub, my phone will be...



2mp cam only, pathetic. But nonetheless, still can make it.

Saturday, February 09, 2008


Finally, the rat year has creeped by. Went to grandparents' house as usual...
Sis took this while I was trying to adjust the length of my jeans. Forgot to bring back the blue one from camp, so had to wear the black one.

Reached there and had lunch, gambled and chatted...
Day shoot. Omg, I sound like someone from a firing range. :x

The 3rd generation! Watch out!

Night shoot. Cos my 2nd aunt din appear in the 1st. :)


Ok. Went JB next early morning, haben been there for years.

Cousin helping out... (Guess she purposely posed there... No la!!! She's the very embodiment of a good housewife everyone would desire -.-)

Food! :D~



Everyone's favourite Shandy. But can't bring to Singapore! Drank 3 cans there. :)

These 2 damn cute rite. I'm biao shu (sounds very old leh, I prefer they call me kor kor) to the two kids!

The small little gal so funny, she's only 4 but she noes a lot of stuffs! Like I was plaeing with her by throwing her up in the air and catching her when she drops down a.k.a "飞飞" and I asked her to gimmie a rating of 1-10 for excitement.

Me: Yuan yuan!! Yao bu yao fei fei?
YY: Yao!! *nods her head*
Me: Na ru guo yi dao shi (1-10), ni yao duo ci ji?
YY: Yi Qian!!!
Me: *stunned*

So the day juz went by with her bugging me for more and more "飞飞". Rong Sheng (the boy) also wan "飞飞"!!! Omg, I tried but failed miserably as he's too heavy.

Oh yar, I saw Rong Sheng in the kitchen and this is the first time I saw him since he was an infant. Grow up liao also very cute.

Me: Ni dong wo shi shui ma?
RS: Bu dong *nods his head slowly*
Me: Ni xiao shi hou wo jiu you bao guo ni de!!! Wo shi ni papa de mama de mei mei de er zi!!! Ting de dong ma? (I kinda expected a no)
RS: Ting de dong. *smiles cheekily*

Really? Lol.


Cousins unite! Okay, technically speaking, we are one generation older. Children unite!!!

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Nearly killed.

1st incident:

Nearly got murdered on the street below my house yesterday as I was walking across the road when the green lights are ON. Damn pissed with the driver, fuck him. The driver was on the opposite direction of the road and wanted to turn to his right to enter the road which was on my left (as I'm still walking on the road). Okay, veri confusing huh. He suddenly accelerate after noticing there weren't any cars travelling in the same direction as me. I was literally stunned as he jammed his brakes after he saw me. His car was barely 40cm away. Such reckless and irresponsible driving. Where were you rushing to? Hell?

His car plate number:SDD 8992R

2nd incident:

As Hong Qi and I were crossing the road at Bugis when the green lights are ON, this fucking yellow bus beside us was moving and trying to bang onto us!!! People around us were like stunned and I back-tracked to let the bus past by us slowly (abt 10km/hr). Until I whacked its door glass and guess what? THE BASTARD DRIVER WAS CONVERSING AWAY HAPPILY ON HIS PHONE WITH HIS HEAD FACING DOWN SUPPORTED BY HIS ARM ON THE STEERING WHEEL. He was jolted from his convo and quickly did an apologizing gesture to the random people in front of him which he could have murdered.

His bus plate number: CB 6159R

Okay, don't start copying the numbers to buy 4D. Cos it ain't gonna work. Psst! 50% for me if it really won a prize k?

Finally bought my local version of the "White Chicks"!!! $16.95 nia. Oh yah, I returned the imported version and got "Huan Huan Ai" as trade.

Me:I tried plaeing it on my dvd player but it stops plaeing I pressed play.
HMV: Oh! That's because your dvd player has no (fill in yourself, cos I forgot), hence it can't play code 1 dvds.
Me: Why wasn't I informed when I bought this dvd?
HMV: Oh, this one you must noe one. (his face had this you-mean-you-dun-even-noe-this look.)


Went to watch The Mist with Hong Qi. I'll give it a 3.1/5.
A lot of wierd scenes. The plot development was rather slow and everything was in a mist and was quite irritating. The ending was sucky as the male lead killed all his people (his child, a woman and an old couple) on board after they wanted it as they thought the world was full of huge creatures but 2secs later, the military people and tanks arrived and saved all the people!!! All the mist that had been plagueing the entire show had miraculously disappeared! -.-