Saturday, January 26, 2008

Shopping Spree!

Chris suddenly mentioned about going to Johor to shop in camp one fine day and some of us were quite eager to go. Called my mum to ask if I could go, but she was rather unwilling. However, my father embraced the idea and sounded quite interested for me to go with my ns peeps. So, in the end, Chris, Jeffery, Guan Zhong, Jian Feng and me are going.

Saw this fanciful-looking butterfly with translucent green parts on its wings

From left: Chris, Jeffery, Jian Feng and Jeffery.
BUT!!! Jian Feng aka Mr Mushroom realised that he hadn't extended his passport... :(
He can't go! Left we 4. Sadded. Nvm, we'll arrange more of such trips in future! :D

After reaching Johor (DAMN EXCITED CAN. My first overseas trip, not counting Pulau Tekong, since I entered the army), we went to fill our stomachs first at Wang Jiao HK.

From left: Jeffery and Chris

Me and Guan Zhong


Chris wif his Yin Yang drink. :P

Noodles, noodles and more noodles!



I dunno where Guan Zhong's noodle went.

Jeff's rice which I think look a bit like cookhouse food! Oh my gawd. :x

Jeff's drink which was called something like "3 plum sisters" because there's three small pops of whip cream on the plum drink. Haha..

I swore I saw this picture of a pikachu inside a random Japanese food restaurant.

Thirsty? Fear not.

And then we proceeded to Coffee Bean to relax after walking non-stop for so long. Cam-whored a bit.


The place where we all bought our shoes! Mine was $49.90RM. Vans brand leh! :D

We were at this shop when I saw this super nice belt with pictures of faces punched into the surface of the belt. It was priced at $100RM.

Me: *telling to Chris* WAD THE HELL!!! This belt costs $100RM leh! Damn expensive lar! *owner of shop heard it*

A while later...

Me: *asking the owner* Excuse me, how much is this belt? *I was like thinking he would catch the hint that I wanted a discount*
Owner: OH!!! It's SING 50 DOLLARS
Me: WTF?!?!?!? *of coz i didn't sae that, mabbie you readers don't get the hidden meaning from what the owner said*
Owner: Who ask you to have such good taste? Pick up a expensive tie...
Me: __ *of coz I didn't do that, I still want to carry on with my life*

We decided to walk across the bridge!!!
We reached! YAY.. Consoled ourselves along the way that because of traffic jam so we walked... partly true!

Nice ornot, I fixed it to my bed! Bought this green lites (last piece) at $35RM. DAMN NICE can.

Okay, I still have to attend a wedding dinner. Rushed home to get changed.


OH MY FRIGGIN GAWD. Why is Auntie Moley here?!?!?!?!?!? Still chatting happily with my grandma.

Me: Pa! Who is she? How is she related to us? She works in PJ de leh!
Papa: *turns to Auntie Moley* You work in PJ? My son used to be from PJ!!!
Auntie Moley: *laughs* Is it? I very fierce hor?!
Me: *smile faintly and turns to my other aunts* Okay la, not really fierce, just that I always here someone screaming like a banshee in the canteen. :)
Auntie Moley: I got scold you before?
Me: Nono.. Never talked to you before.
Auntie Moley: Wah, that's good. Hahaha...


Okay, I'm not at all interested in finding out how she is related to me, cos she is freaking scary as a person.

1st Dish.

2nd Dish. I don't advocate eating sharksfin! Save the sharks, save the world!!!

You know those Huan Zhu Ge Ge shows? Always give dishes those fanciful names. Hence, I shall name this dish, "Rainbow Phoenix".

Crystal fish.

From left: Papa, Mama, Grandma and aunt

8 treasures.

Oat-meal prawns (original name, lol)

Too tired to give liao.

Treasure trove (okay, last one)

Purple jade Phoenix with Golden dragon. (OKAY!!! PROMISE IS LAST ONE, last dish already wad!)

God will never give us anything we can't handle

Monday, January 21, 2008

Class Gathering

Ahhh.. I wan a camera of my own plssss. So hard to blog w/o pictures, the pictures now with xian ming but he not online and I wonder when he'll be. We had our 05S01 class gathering at xian ming's house on last Saturday where only around 20/28 peeps turned up. So little! Kudos to the auntie who gave me the WRONG direction to xian ming's condo that I turned up at "the quintet" instead of "yew mei green". I can still vividly imagine the confident look she had while she attempts to instruct me on the "right" way. Walked until both my feet had a blister each. The wrong condo which I went to was also stupid one lor, it had no name or whatsoever on it! Until I saw someone going into the side gate.

-After calling Xian Ming to inform him that I've arrived at the side gate and I waited for abt 20 min and by that time, my bladder is about to burst can- (I'm serious)

Me: Excuse me, may I know the name of your condo?
Lady: Oh, it's "The quintet"


Finally reached the actual condo after I jumped into a cab. I wanted to make blueberry muffins for the potluck but I just didn't have the mood to bake, so I bought a pandan cake from Bengawan Solo at Lot one as a substitute. Wanted to give Prima Deli a chance especially after the salmonella incident but their cake really cannot make it. Paiseh. Haha. Kok Yong bought me Jay chou posters (guess I would give them to Hui Shan whom I believe will appreciate them more!) and a pair of funny-looking boxer with the chinese words,"I <3 Tai Mei" on it. HAHAHA. Thankew arhz. :P

Watched "White Chicks" which Mao Sheng brought it over and I realised he was the one who bought the last piece at Lot One! I'm trying to find the local DVD version but to no avail. Everyone started leaving at 11.30pm. Damn early can and I left at 12.40am after feeling sleepy and nothing much was done there. Thanks Xian Ming for allowing the gathering to be held at your comfortable abode! (my pictures will arrive soon i hope!)

Had my vocal lesson yesterday as usual and was quite late as I need to have a haircut. Everyone was required to sing the phrase,"Ai Wo Hai Shi Ta", "Ai Wo Hai Shi Wo" and "Ai Wo Hai Shi Ni" as she wanted us to find out which ("Ta", "Wo" or "Ni") was easier to sing out. She said I sounded like Fei Yu Qing for a while. -.- Okay, I decided to sing Fei Ni Mo Shu for the graduating song. Can't find Qing Tian Yu leh. :((( Boo.

Met up with Hq to shop around... Was really quite fast man, cos there wasn't much to shop around! Bought a cardigan at $90 dollars. F-fing expensive can. But it's the only size left.

Whining is anger through a small opening<-- interesting sentence I came across in Reader's Digest.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Monday blues.

The monstrous Monday has arrived again. I once read in Reader's Digest that Mondays are the worst days of the week and this is the day where new goals are made and expectations are high from bosses. Tension escalates and the office is literally transformed into a battlefield. So if you're going to apply for leave, do it on Thursday or Friday as people are usually more pleasant when the week is ending.

Learnt some musical terms yesterday like "bridge", "chorus" and "verse" etc and we took a group photo although Patricia wasn't around. Got one more small lil gal dunno go where liao.

From left:Me, Joyce, Maggie Lao Shi, Daphne and Elvina

Can see our Lao Shi like to pose for photos.. keke.
I shopped around yesterday after my vocal lesson and I chanced upon the 50% Topman sales that Chris has been talking about. Usually I don't believe in sales cos the items sold there are either too ugly or are out of your size range. Despite the lack of faith in such sales, I picked up a pair of jeans at $49(UP:$89)and the last cardigan at "S" size at $23(UP:$69). Totally amazing. :D

I was looking around at the range of eau de toilette and I finally found one that I liked. I remembered asking my sister what she thought of "Euphoria" by Calvin Klein but she said it was too common hence I didn't buy that. I told her to go Paris to see if they sell it cheaper there so if not, I'll purchase it here. :) Oh yah, she flew to Paris yesterday at 11pm. So damn happening rite. Air stewardess... Tsk Tsk.

Just came back from my dental appt at Rail mall. My teeth now fucking pain. But my braces would be removed in 5 weeks time! :D FINALLY. Was totally damn sad when I had to wear braces again due to my laziness in wearing retainer at nite when I go to sleep and caused one of my teeth to get out of place. My mum went to see another dentist yesterdae at the same clinic after having extreme pain in her upper left set of gums and teeth. My mum was totally pissed by the fucking attitude the dentist gave that I went to question the dentist what happened and he later apologized.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Welcome to the Rat Year!

I am having difficulty in getting the photos from Bing Qin, so I grabbed the photos from her blog cos if not, I would only be possible to blog this weekend, which is a lil too late i think.

Met up with Ying Siew and Bao xin at CCK mrt which we then proceeded to the Settler's Cafe at the outskirts of Holland Village. Damn ulu can.. lol. Bing Qin mentioned this was the last resort as the Clarke Quay outlet was fully booked.
From left: Bing Qin, Ying Siew, Shan Shan, Me, Kok Weng, Bao Xin and Da Tou(Yes! Someone replaced me as Da Tou :x )

We played lots of games but I think we enjoyed Taboo the most. LOL. There was this word, "Onions", that Ying Siew and Bao Xin had to guess while Kok Weng (Same team) had to do something to help them guess but he can't say some words, for example, "ring".

Kok Weng: *does a cutting action + "tock tock tock" sound and den weeped*

Ying Siew didn't see the cutting action and guessed "Funeral". Damn funny can.

Then there was this word, "Orbit", which Kok Weng had to make his teammates guess again. Can't use the word "Planet". I suddenly thought of some wierd ideas and helped him although I am the opposing team.

Me: *telling Bao Xin* You wear old-fashioned clothes. You are?!?!?!?
Ying Siew: Or-biang!!!
Me: Nono! Another word for it!!!
Ying Siew and Bao xin: Or-bit!!!

YAY!!! And that was how we spent our New Year's Eve laughing and screaming like a banshee. Each person $10 nia. Got food + free flow drink + 4hrs of gameplay. Cheaper than Minds Cafe. :D

We proceeded to Holland V for dinner...
Crystal Jade!

Happy people.

After that, we went to Crystal Jade La mian cos Ying Siew had a sudden craving for Xiao Long Baos. Eat a lot eh!
Quite affordable at $4.50 for 5.

I shared Zha Jiang Mian with Kok Weng as we weren't really full just now at Crystal Jade.

We went to Marina Square to see the fireworks as usual.

Cam whore freaks. :D

Some fucking immature teens have to spray confetti at us which I had to flash my middle finger and unleash my vulgarities at her(yes i did that, and I'm glad I did) for which the bunch of teens walked away immediately. Fuck you can, New Year doesn't mean you can get high and do whatever you want. Same goes to the aerosol snow spray people spam at Orchard Road during Christmas. That's why I totally avoid town during festive seasons.

Ugly side of Singaporeans. Clean and green city? Bullshit. It's because of the cleanup by the janitors.

Oh yah, While I was peeing, there were 2 malay friends vying competitively for one cubicle. After much pushing and shoving, both of them went in and locked the door. Dubious. -.-

I suddenly remembered I came across this article featured in The Sunday Times a few months ago about foreign workers hanging out at Jurong West HDB area with beverages and food. I vividly remembered what one of them said when interviewed.

Interviewee: I helped to build HDB flats of this area. Now I can't even come here to relax and enjoy with my friends?

WTF?! Sorry my friend, not if you are intruding the privacy of the people living here. So if I help to build the bank next time, I can have unlimited access to the money issit?

Sorry a bit random. LOL. Okay, I would like to wish all people I know a ECSTATIC AND PROSPEROUS 2008! Hope you achieve your wishes set for the year and I know I did for 2007, therefore, SO CAN YOU! :D