Monday, December 03, 2007

Subway-eat fresh!

Yet another weekend zipped by. Played Dota with my elder brother on friday and I won my first online match! First time play, first time win.. Haha.. No la.. It was more of luck and the opposing team weren't strong. Kor bought a 22" LCD screen at $399. Very chio la.
Me playing AuditionSEA. Quick-thrill la. Dance here dance there.

Saturday creeped by and I can't imagined that I cooped at home the entire day to play Dota. Forced myself to visit the gym at around 6+pm.. such immovable determination heh.. :P

Sunday arrived faster than I expected and I went for my 2nd vocal lesson. Maggie (teacher) lamented that my voice was too loud... Damn hilarious la.. But I was like wondering she wan us to project our voice to hit the whiteboard.. Dunno la.. :)

Met up with hq as he wanted to buy gundam stuffs at sunshine plaza.. I suddenly craved for what I had eaten in Hong Kong (went there this January) and decided to eat some HK snacks there. Damn delicious la. You all should go and try it.

It's called Victor's kitchen?

Fried dumplings ($3.50 if I remembered correctly). The skin was very crispy! The yellow sauce that came with it was unique and tasted like a mix of vinegar and soy sauce. However, the meat inside was a tad too little given the enormous skin wrapped around it.

My favourite. Chee cheong fun with prawns inside ($3.50). Totally a near orgasm-experience! The white noodle is damn smooth, plus the prawn inside made this dish extremely mouth-watering.

Carrot cake that Hq ordered ($3.00). We both thought that it was the usual carrot cake you can find at all hawker centres but it turned out to be of another kind. It tasted good although I think I would get more sick of it if I ate that for too long. Usually food that ends up like this are pancakes and waffles.

Prawn dumplings ($3.50) which tasted crunchy in the inside and smooth on the outside.

Headed to Marina Square to buy a small (but extremely loud!) alarm for my sister as she always need to travel around (being an air stewardess) and I thought that the alarm would definitely scare off any potential robbers (touchwood!). I chose this ivory-white alarm and paid subsequently which I then requested for a test of the alarm (I have a penchant for buying stuffs that are spoilt). But after umpteen times of trying to unscrew the alarm (to put the battery in), it still could not be unscrewed and the sales assistant took out the last remaining alarm to test, which was to no avail too. I then picked another type of alarm for which I was rather unwilling cos the ivory-white one is the chio-est la.

Me: *shows interest in another alarm which I thought it wouldn't degrade my sister's fashion sense*
Sales assistant: That one has a 30% (if I am not wrong) discount, and the price after that is $10 which is cheaper than what you chosen.
I didn't think much about wad the person mentioned and brought the alarm to the counter*
Sales assistant: I'm afraid you can't choose this unless perhaps you buy some other stuff to make the price up till $14, as I can't do a refund thingy (she didn't use "thingy" of cos).

Me: But I do not want to buy some other stuffs that I do not need.

After about 5 minutes of a stand-still, which I had the impression that the time given was for me to pick one more item so I could make up the price of $14.

Me: So.. How?
Sales assistant: *repeats what she said earlier*
Me: But it's not my fault that the item I've chosen turned out to be spoilt wad. (I'm don't want to go overboard as I think the service is rather good in Planet Traveller).

I think she got the idea that I'm quite pissed by then and she called out the manager (I suppose) and made a refund of $14 and I paid $10 for the new alarm (And tested it just in case).

Tip: Refunds are possible with Mastercard, if the transaction is made within a day. (That's what my sister told me)

Met up with Langer and we went to arcade and they started trying their luck on this "catch-a-plushie machine". Didn't win any but Langer won at some other arcade before he met us..Lol.

We went to play dota at a lan shop near paradiz centre after that. Can you imagine? I was there for three times in a day liao lor. 1st is for my vocal lesson, 2nd is because Hq needed to go sunshine plaza and 3rd is for lan. here and there. But nonetheless, dota was fun. Haha..

After dota-ing, settled our late dinner at Subway located at Plaza Singapura. First time trying it leh. Not bad I guess, although the cookies were as soft as brownies (which wasn't suppose to be the case, right?).

Murdered a lizard at home. Wasn't wearing any specs as I was happily pouring Marigold Mango juice into my cup when I notice this wierd foreign object that was on the table top. As I scrutinised it, I totally jumped back la. It's glinting and beady eyes were fixated onto me. And I killed it.
Tail that dropped.
Staring at its own tail. Muahahaha.

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