Sunday, December 16, 2007

KS coy Christmas rendevous

Had a mini christmas celebration at Jonny house at East Coast area. Damn nice can..3-storey somemore. Jian Sheng, Jeffery and I met up at Tanah Merah mrt. Raining damn badly when I went out of my house to walk to CCK mrt until my 3/4 pants were 1/2 wet. The 3 of us then proceeded to the Cold storage which was near Jonny's house to purchase some 1.5 litres drinks. While queueing up to pay for the items, Jeffery and I overheard this funny conversation between a SUPER RICH guy (SRG) and the cashier.

Cashier:(actively scanning the barcodes on the items) Hi sir, do you want to buy this chocolate set? It's the last one already.(takes out this purple guitar-shaped plastic that contained about 8 different Cadbury chocolates)
SRG:(ponders for a while) Do you have 2 of those?
Cashier: Oh so sorry, this is the only 1 left.
SRG:I see, then it's okay, don't want.

After a few seconds...

Cashier: You really don't want this chocolate set?
SRG: I have 2 sons, 1 isn't enough, you mean you don't happen to have 1 more somewhere at your shelves?
Cashier:No..Take it, children should share stuffs mah, it's good to share.
SRG:(ponders really long) Okay, I'll take that.


How rich can that person be?! I mean, 8 chocolate bars for 2 children to share aren't enough? You know some pple are just lucky to be born with a silver spoon in their mouth. But if I had a choice, I would choose to be poor and work my way up. Like the cliche analog, poor+happy Vs rich+sad. Most pple would choose poor+happy. But why can't the other choice be rich+happy? why why why? Lol.

Okay, back to the celebration. Jonny came and fetched us to his house amidst the complication layout of the estates. Some peeps begun to start the bbq fire.
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Hardworking bunch of peeps.
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We DO love Tao Kae Noi seaweed! (look at Jeffery's expression.. lol)

Jonny bought 3 Renaldo's strudel! 2 apple and 1 mango. The taste damn heavenly!!!
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Mango strudel which I didn't manage to snatch any. :(

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Apple strudel which I managed to eat 2. Hehe. :D

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Lame shot with Jeremy. :X

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Love is in the air...

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Me with many wines. I brought that absolute Vodka along cos it was placed in my home for quite long, since Jan, so might as well.

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Guan zhong bought 4 pizzas from Sarpozzi(think I'm correct with the spelling) that tasted marvelously good.

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Cocktail I made at home.

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Kenneth trying to make us drunk.

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Jian sheng made ice-cream float for everyone. With me putting Sgt Jeremy's shot as a representative. Hahahahaha.

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Cheers! (Jeffery says that Sgt Jackson's shirt is an oxymoron.. LOL)

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Blurp blurp blurp...

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Cheers again! XD

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What's Christmas without a logcake?

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Photo Jonny's maid took which ended up in two pieces. Lol..

Kenneth(birthdate in Dec)got raped mobbed by some guys! Damn hilarious. Bet he was tramautised.

At around 10pm, we started plaeing some lame games that involved drinking alcohol as forfeit. I ended up getting drunk! Luckily I didn't do any embarrassing stuffs but just plonk down at the sofa and slept. When I woke up, it was already 6+am. Trudged to the toilet with a splitting head and was shocked to a bloaty face. LOL.. Went back to sleep and everyone woke up at 8+am. We continued to hang out a while and played some console games before leaving at 12 in a cab.

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