Sunday, December 30, 2007

My song. is so fucked up. How come cannot post this at my html page? -.-"

Friday, December 28, 2007

The legendary BOB haircut

Recently, Kok Weng sent me some really really old photos of me. He told me he couldn't stop luffing.

Damn cute lor my hair.

Kok weng still looks Kok Weng-ish.

Ok, fine, everyone looks trendy except me. Hell no. I still believe my bob haircut is cute. :x

Cute rite...


I still remember they all had bob hairstyle in the past. First to get the spiky haircut was John, then Kok Weng, followed by Langer and finally me... How can take advantage of the timeline and remind me of my hideously scaryrefreshing retro haircut?

Toopid Kok Weng, dun preeeetend you never had this hairstyle lor! I already found evidence liao.



But actually if you walk down the streets, you might still find people with this type of hairstyle. Amazing rite. >.< Now, stop laughing(if you are).

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Grilling food at ECP

Hong Qi and Ee Teng were incredibly late and arrived at 2.30pm instead of 2pm. Together, we(Hq, Et, Zhen Jie and Ah Neh)went to collect the bbq food at BBQ wholesale centre which was located somewhere at Bedok. Damn ulu can. Fuck la, they couldn't provide delivery service and we had to go collect it ourselves, even though I said it's ok when the lady on the other side of the phone told me the delivery service was full. It was more of a hassle when we had 5 pple, which means we had to take 2 taxis! At first I thought Zj wouldn't call Ah neh along, but... nvm. Haha. Not that I dun wan his help la, but 4 just nice for cab. Fuck BBQ wholesale for selling me a spoilt styrofoam box to keep the ice.

Spamming photos...
Me with Ee teng


And finally they arrived..
From left: Laikiu, Guan Zhong, Shan Shan and Ying Siew

From left: Ying Siew, Me and Bing Qin(our beloved class treasurer :P)

Zhen Jie cooking most of the food for us. :)

Me and Buddy, Choon Kiat.

Old Peeps from KSS 2B 2002. :D

With the soccer freaks. :P The christmas hats very cute rite, I bought them at Orchard at 3 for $10. Actualli wan to buy more but scared no one wan to wear.

Laiyan and Bf, Perry.

Sheryl and Bf

Trying to see if it's cooked. -.-

!!! Laikiu went mad.

After realising...

This is the response Laikiu got when he asked if anyone wants to try his baked marshmellow. LOL.

Squatting gang. The one in cyan shirt is Lilian's Bf, Xing Yan.

Trying to take a jumping shot. But we ended up more like trying to shit instead.

Why Bao Xin tugging at YS's hair?



Thursday, December 20, 2007


Yvonne Lim is the WINNER!
I always believe she has the calibre and ability to turn any characters in a plot "alive" but lady luck always wasn't with her, until this year. I think she has a "thing" for starring as a psychopath or something along the line. LOL. Congrats gal, you shone in Metamorphosis. :)

Our battalion got screwed up and down by RSM yesterdae as we didn't greet him and CO. Poor Sgt Jackson got fucked badly and RSM begun to tell us why he did that.

-RSM talking to Sgt Jackson earlier on-

RSM:Jackson, later come see me.
Sgt Jackson:Why?

Okay, becos of the "why" he got fucked. And I got screamed at for having "long" hair. Speaking about Sgt Jackson, he drives a MINI COOPER.
It costs a freakin' $120k (forgot it's 120 or 160, but it's still ex!)!!! Hope to sit in it one day, as some of us got the chance! Ahhhh. LOL.

Speaking about cars, I damn like the chevrolet logo.
So nice rite.. next time when I own a car, me gonna purchase from this brand. :D

Got arrowed by RSM to do a banner. 12 feet times 5 feet leh. Can you even imagine?! Sigh. To think I would have a carefree holidae till next thursdae. BOOOOOO.

I just sold three sets of my naruto figurines for $125. Even though I made a loss of $50, but it's ok.. I was afraid the value would dip lower and lower as the naruto craze die down. Still have some figurines left though. Thinking back, I wasted quite a lot of $$$ just to buy those. Now old liao, no more naruto. :)

Sunday, December 16, 2007

KS coy Christmas rendevous

Had a mini christmas celebration at Jonny house at East Coast area. Damn nice can..3-storey somemore. Jian Sheng, Jeffery and I met up at Tanah Merah mrt. Raining damn badly when I went out of my house to walk to CCK mrt until my 3/4 pants were 1/2 wet. The 3 of us then proceeded to the Cold storage which was near Jonny's house to purchase some 1.5 litres drinks. While queueing up to pay for the items, Jeffery and I overheard this funny conversation between a SUPER RICH guy (SRG) and the cashier.

Cashier:(actively scanning the barcodes on the items) Hi sir, do you want to buy this chocolate set? It's the last one already.(takes out this purple guitar-shaped plastic that contained about 8 different Cadbury chocolates)
SRG:(ponders for a while) Do you have 2 of those?
Cashier: Oh so sorry, this is the only 1 left.
SRG:I see, then it's okay, don't want.

After a few seconds...

Cashier: You really don't want this chocolate set?
SRG: I have 2 sons, 1 isn't enough, you mean you don't happen to have 1 more somewhere at your shelves?
Cashier:No..Take it, children should share stuffs mah, it's good to share.
SRG:(ponders really long) Okay, I'll take that.


How rich can that person be?! I mean, 8 chocolate bars for 2 children to share aren't enough? You know some pple are just lucky to be born with a silver spoon in their mouth. But if I had a choice, I would choose to be poor and work my way up. Like the cliche analog, poor+happy Vs rich+sad. Most pple would choose poor+happy. But why can't the other choice be rich+happy? why why why? Lol.

Okay, back to the celebration. Jonny came and fetched us to his house amidst the complication layout of the estates. Some peeps begun to start the bbq fire.
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Hardworking bunch of peeps.
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We DO love Tao Kae Noi seaweed! (look at Jeffery's expression.. lol)

Jonny bought 3 Renaldo's strudel! 2 apple and 1 mango. The taste damn heavenly!!!
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Mango strudel which I didn't manage to snatch any. :(

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Apple strudel which I managed to eat 2. Hehe. :D

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Lame shot with Jeremy. :X

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Love is in the air...

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Me with many wines. I brought that absolute Vodka along cos it was placed in my home for quite long, since Jan, so might as well.

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Guan zhong bought 4 pizzas from Sarpozzi(think I'm correct with the spelling) that tasted marvelously good.

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Cocktail I made at home.

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Kenneth trying to make us drunk.

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Jian sheng made ice-cream float for everyone. With me putting Sgt Jeremy's shot as a representative. Hahahahaha.

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Cheers! (Jeffery says that Sgt Jackson's shirt is an oxymoron.. LOL)

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Blurp blurp blurp...

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Cheers again! XD

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What's Christmas without a logcake?

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Photo Jonny's maid took which ended up in two pieces. Lol..

Kenneth(birthdate in Dec)got raped mobbed by some guys! Damn hilarious. Bet he was tramautised.

At around 10pm, we started plaeing some lame games that involved drinking alcohol as forfeit. I ended up getting drunk! Luckily I didn't do any embarrassing stuffs but just plonk down at the sofa and slept. When I woke up, it was already 6+am. Trudged to the toilet with a splitting head and was shocked to a bloaty face. LOL.. Went back to sleep and everyone woke up at 8+am. We continued to hang out a while and played some console games before leaving at 12 in a cab.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

F.I.R autograph session

Woke up at around 12.10pm.. Kept thinking about F.I.R autograph session which was going to be held at Suntec city's fountain of wealth at 1.30pm. Finally wenyang called me, wasn't really expecting a call though cos he told me he had something on at his camp till late morning.

While waiting for wenyang at City hall mrt station, I saw this caucasian couple trudging out of the mrt with luggages and backpacks while looking at it as if trying to locate a place. Out of kindness (yeah right), I moved forward.

Me: Hello, do u two need any help?!
Couple: Yah, we are trying to find out where Marina mandarin hotel is, do you know how we can get to it?
Me: *recalls* Isn't that at Orchard road? (it was only after a few hours later I realised that I had confused Marina mandarin hotel which was inside marina square shopping centre with Meritus mandarin hotel opposite Heeren.)!
Couple: But the map says its near City hall mrt...
Me: Let me take a look at the map!

After a 20s lapse...

Me: You two mind taking a taxi to the hotel? It's quite far if you travel via citylink to the hotel, not forgetting about your heavy luggages. You just need to take the escalator and hail a cab outside. But be careful not to be scammed by the taxi drivers. They always scam foreigners!!! (remember the recent news reports?)
Couple: *laughs*
Me: The trip should cost around a maximum of $4-$5 (I think so?).
Couple: Thank you!
Me: Welcome!

Wy arrived and we proceeded promptly to the fountain, cos we were late already. Going there at 2.30pm isn't really comforting.. Missed F.I.R's performance. Was relieved to find out that they're still there signing albums but Real wasn't there, only Faye and Ian.

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Quite a lot of F.I.R fans..
Here are some of the photos I've taken.

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F.I.R damn good la, posing for fans to spam photos. LOL.
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After the session, Wy told me he saw Peifen (who was the emcee for the autograph session) walk in the other direction. Instantly, we followed her as I wanted to take a photo with her. She walk damn fast la.. and she was talking on a phone. So had to wait for her to "kup" her phone before I tap her shoulder... Finally! The long-awaited photo has arrived!!!

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We then went to eat at a Japanese restaurant. Called Azabu Sabo. Not bad free flow of green tea (me=cheapskate)!! Cost a total of $35.75 for our meal.

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My free flow of green tea. The dark green spot in the base symbolises "quality green tea" to me. LOL.

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Omelette Curry ($13.80).

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The egg is smooth.. Beef curry is fantastic although I wish there could be more beef slices in it. Rice is of good quality.

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Salad which had a tinge of wasabi in it. Not too over-powerful and I finished it. Greens are good for your health. :)

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Ah. This soup really is amazing. It's unlike those cloudy miso soup which tastes very salty. This one is light, steamy and non-salty at all. Perfect combination. :D

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Me enjoying my omelette curry. :)

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Mattcha Zen ($7.80). The dango (Japanese for rice-ball) is very chewy plus the red-bean is nice to bite into, although I prefer (greatly) red beans when they're in paste form. The green tea ice-cream don't really have a green-tea taste but more of a "condensed-milk" taste to me. :/

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Ichigo Zen ($8.80).

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Wy enjoying his Ichigo Zen.

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Conclusion: Not bad a restaurant, can be considered for a next visit! :)