Sunday, July 09, 2006

Tanuki Neiri no Jutsu!

Okay. I juz came back from zhen jie's house after watching soccer. Eh, tho i fell asleep for quite a while. =x ... Shall start from ice-skating on fridae with kranji peeps plus lai kiew. XD
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I dunno wad's with hong seng's eyelids.. all photos turned out to be liddat. jia lat.

Let's fast forward to... Saturdae!
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This is birthdae prezzie i received from L^5! .. haha.. taken while walking to Lot one to have dinner with hq
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Juz a super random pic.

Saw pristine outside food junction while waiting for hq.
Pristine: eh! eh!
Me: EH?! hello! *turns to face her*
Me: you with our class girls?
Pristine: Ya. they are sitting behind blah blah.
Me: okay
Pristine: *returns to seat*

After hq arrives and i went to tok to the girls.

Me: HellO! going somewhere later?
Girls: No, we juz met out for gossiping!
Me: lol. =.="

The pork chop with pasta i ordered.. was.. partially uncooked.
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Cross section of a slab of meat. Notice the left side is red but the right is a bit white. White is supposed to be the "cooked" colour.

The lady in the stall replaced 2 pork chops for me anywae. So.. bite until my jaws were tired. -.-

And then..a prezzie from my buddies! It's the last piece (i think) selling in singapore!
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Naruto with nine-tailed fox.

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Sandaime using Fuuin jutsu. This gashapon is one of my favorite.

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Sasuke with chidori! Favourite!

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Kakashi using a technique. Veri unique.

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Gaara in his partial monster form! Veri chio.

And then..caught a movie at Orchard with kiat, hq and zj. :)
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The movie's quite good, not realli an exact plot like Spiderman. 3.7/5

Went to Zj house with kiat and ah neh to watch Germany vs Portugal. Fell asleep at 2nd half.
Some random pics.
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Tanuki Neiri no Jutsu! :D

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