Saturday, July 15, 2006


Okay! Went to Bugis, Marina square with hq.
Bought naruto stuff again!
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nice right.

Unfortunately, bubbles dun come in small sizes this..Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
It comes in...
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Super-duper extra large right. I think it's the same size as the bleach bottle in my house. =.="

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have been trying to find this.. but i think it doesn't exist in Singapore

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next possible target. :))))

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The display rack wen yang helped mi buy! :D

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On Youth day...
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in canteen!!
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We are the first customers!

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This is during bio lesson.. had to dissect a heart! (either pig or goat)
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Ok.. I've decided to keep 4A lvls.. PIA PIA PIA!!! I WILL MAKE IT!!!!! :D

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