Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The everything NO blog.

Todae's Physics was rather easy, but had some wrong though.. concepts not that clear yet bah..and miss oh sae i have to score veri high for Bio mcq on fridae to get dunno wad grade. Later on, she sent me an sms telling me dun get discouraged since everyone drop 1 grade as compared to Common Test. OMG. 1 grade. And do you reckon what is my freakin grade for bio common test? D! Yes, doughnut. -.- .. And I would get an E for ecstatic? Definitely. Oh well.. *punches the docile bear* kiddin.

Okay, so after lunch at lot one, we(pinkies) bought Sweet Talk. Went to Comic connection and was telling xm how i wish they would sell their display rack (for my figurines). And then i SAW IT. The pricetag for the display rack! 19.90. Xm was planning how i could put it and I was quite excited.

Me:*went to the counter*

Lady at the counter (LATC): Yes? *in a rather irritated and somehow exhausted tone*
Me: Er, do u sell the display rack? *OBVIOUSLY!!!!*
LATC: No, out of stock.
Me: Can sell the one in ur display cabinet? >.< *hoping for a resounding yes*
LATC: You buy liao den how i put?! *rolls eyes* (no lah, she never did that)
Me: ok. Thx. :((((((

Argh, den next, we went to the ROYAL sporting house.
I was the only one with milk tea left.

*while i was giving comments abt the windbreaker wen yang liked*
Me: wad? *turns back*
Lady in the shop (LITS): No drinks pls.
Me: I never drink! *raising the innocent $1 drink* *thinks abt the poster in MRT*
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LITS: No, no drinks.
Me: ^$@^$&$*# (fine.)
Me: Wad abt waterbottle? cannot bring also?
I din hear her sae anything.. cos she was mumbling.. haha..

And then, i saw this poster at the door.
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So, technically speaking, no one can enter the ROYAL sporting house carrying food or drinks, even when they are not consuming it.
The lady will stay firm and deny entry for those who are suspected of carrying potentially dangerous food items into the shop.
haha... :P
Now i finally noe why the shop is always empty.

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