Monday, July 03, 2006

Anime spree!

Okay.. i've been surfing around the net to see naruto gashapons (i think it means figurines in Japan's context).. and found this hidden and great anime shop stashed away in the Bugis district! It's called La Tendo.. ...

Sms-ed Mao Mao and he was excited too! So we decided to go down todae..Had to walk a distance before reaching it. Oh yah! The noob stalls at SMU mistakened us as SMU students and we bought the food at a discount. I noticed a lot of Bangladeshi workers hanging out at the benches situated in the SMU compound.. Hm..

Okay.. We trodded on in the 3pm heat and almost missed the complex-Sunshine plaza. It was quite plain inside.. some shops weren't opened. Some spots were waiting to be taken up by shopkeepers. Most shops were about anime and food. We finally found the shop!
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Quite small! Sad :(((((

Tho it was rather small.. but it contained quite a lot of stuffs.. View around and saw wad i had wanted long ago.. almost forgotten abt it.
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1st Hokage
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2nd Hokage

and i bought the 3rd Hokage from another shop
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Here is the 4th and 5th Hokage.. cos kiat sae i ought to post them, so he can see.. haha.. here u go..
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I think the shop keeper at La Tendo is a Jap.. his grandpa is still inside strolling around! I suppose is grandpa cos Japanese are well-known for their enthusiasm to work even when they are old. And he look real old. Full white hair and a rather frail body.

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Me and Mao Mao on the bus on our way home!

Juz found out abt Bandai having a warehouse in Eunos.. i think.. May be visiting there! Any one tagging along? :P

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