Monday, July 31, 2006


Choices have consequences. I feel like pouring everything jumbled up in my tiny brain (wenyang disagrees) here.. but it's not in my nature to type word for word.. so.. nvm..

Saturday, July 15, 2006


Okay! Went to Bugis, Marina square with hq.
Bought naruto stuff again!
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nice right.

Unfortunately, bubbles dun come in small sizes this..Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
It comes in...
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Super-duper extra large right. I think it's the same size as the bleach bottle in my house. =.="

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have been trying to find this.. but i think it doesn't exist in Singapore

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next possible target. :))))

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The display rack wen yang helped mi buy! :D

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On Youth day...
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in canteen!!
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We are the first customers!

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This is during bio lesson.. had to dissect a heart! (either pig or goat)
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Ok.. I've decided to keep 4A lvls.. PIA PIA PIA!!! I WILL MAKE IT!!!!! :D

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Tanuki Neiri no Jutsu!

Okay. I juz came back from zhen jie's house after watching soccer. Eh, tho i fell asleep for quite a while. =x ... Shall start from ice-skating on fridae with kranji peeps plus lai kiew. XD
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I dunno wad's with hong seng's eyelids.. all photos turned out to be liddat. jia lat.

Let's fast forward to... Saturdae!
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This is birthdae prezzie i received from L^5! .. haha.. taken while walking to Lot one to have dinner with hq
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Juz a super random pic.

Saw pristine outside food junction while waiting for hq.
Pristine: eh! eh!
Me: EH?! hello! *turns to face her*
Me: you with our class girls?
Pristine: Ya. they are sitting behind blah blah.
Me: okay
Pristine: *returns to seat*

After hq arrives and i went to tok to the girls.

Me: HellO! going somewhere later?
Girls: No, we juz met out for gossiping!
Me: lol. =.="

The pork chop with pasta i ordered.. was.. partially uncooked.
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Cross section of a slab of meat. Notice the left side is red but the right is a bit white. White is supposed to be the "cooked" colour.

The lady in the stall replaced 2 pork chops for me anywae. So.. bite until my jaws were tired. -.-

And then..a prezzie from my buddies! It's the last piece (i think) selling in singapore!
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Naruto with nine-tailed fox.

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Sandaime using Fuuin jutsu. This gashapon is one of my favorite.

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Sasuke with chidori! Favourite!

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Kakashi using a technique. Veri unique.

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Gaara in his partial monster form! Veri chio.

And then..caught a movie at Orchard with kiat, hq and zj. :)
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The movie's quite good, not realli an exact plot like Spiderman. 3.7/5

Went to Zj house with kiat and ah neh to watch Germany vs Portugal. Fell asleep at 2nd half.
Some random pics.
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Tanuki Neiri no Jutsu! :D

Thursday, July 06, 2006


Oh no.. instead of mugging for bio paper 1 which is supposed to be held tml, i strayed off-track and drew a picture instead. =.="
It's not veri beautiful lah.. but it's my virgin first try. :P

wanna see?
wanna see?
wanna see?
wanna see?
wanna see?
wanna see?
wanna see?
wanna see?
wanna see?
wanna see?
wanna see?
wanna see?
wanna see?
wanna see?
wanna see?
wanna see?
wanna see?
wanna see?
wanna see?
wanna see?
wanna see?
wanna see?
wanna see?
wanna see?
wanna see?
wanna see?

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Slanted view
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Close up!

By the way.. he's called Kisame. One of the members of Akatsuki.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The everything NO blog.

Todae's Physics was rather easy, but had some wrong though.. concepts not that clear yet bah..and miss oh sae i have to score veri high for Bio mcq on fridae to get dunno wad grade. Later on, she sent me an sms telling me dun get discouraged since everyone drop 1 grade as compared to Common Test. OMG. 1 grade. And do you reckon what is my freakin grade for bio common test? D! Yes, doughnut. -.- .. And I would get an E for ecstatic? Definitely. Oh well.. *punches the docile bear* kiddin.

Okay, so after lunch at lot one, we(pinkies) bought Sweet Talk. Went to Comic connection and was telling xm how i wish they would sell their display rack (for my figurines). And then i SAW IT. The pricetag for the display rack! 19.90. Xm was planning how i could put it and I was quite excited.

Me:*went to the counter*

Lady at the counter (LATC): Yes? *in a rather irritated and somehow exhausted tone*
Me: Er, do u sell the display rack? *OBVIOUSLY!!!!*
LATC: No, out of stock.
Me: Can sell the one in ur display cabinet? >.< *hoping for a resounding yes*
LATC: You buy liao den how i put?! *rolls eyes* (no lah, she never did that)
Me: ok. Thx. :((((((

Argh, den next, we went to the ROYAL sporting house.
I was the only one with milk tea left.

*while i was giving comments abt the windbreaker wen yang liked*
Me: wad? *turns back*
Lady in the shop (LITS): No drinks pls.
Me: I never drink! *raising the innocent $1 drink* *thinks abt the poster in MRT*
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LITS: No, no drinks.
Me: ^$@^$&$*# (fine.)
Me: Wad abt waterbottle? cannot bring also?
I din hear her sae anything.. cos she was mumbling.. haha..

And then, i saw this poster at the door.
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So, technically speaking, no one can enter the ROYAL sporting house carrying food or drinks, even when they are not consuming it.
The lady will stay firm and deny entry for those who are suspected of carrying potentially dangerous food items into the shop.
haha... :P
Now i finally noe why the shop is always empty.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Anime spree!

Okay.. i've been surfing around the net to see naruto gashapons (i think it means figurines in Japan's context).. and found this hidden and great anime shop stashed away in the Bugis district! It's called La Tendo.. ...

Sms-ed Mao Mao and he was excited too! So we decided to go down todae..Had to walk a distance before reaching it. Oh yah! The noob stalls at SMU mistakened us as SMU students and we bought the food at a discount. I noticed a lot of Bangladeshi workers hanging out at the benches situated in the SMU compound.. Hm..

Okay.. We trodded on in the 3pm heat and almost missed the complex-Sunshine plaza. It was quite plain inside.. some shops weren't opened. Some spots were waiting to be taken up by shopkeepers. Most shops were about anime and food. We finally found the shop!
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Quite small! Sad :(((((

Tho it was rather small.. but it contained quite a lot of stuffs.. View around and saw wad i had wanted long ago.. almost forgotten abt it.
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1st Hokage
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2nd Hokage

and i bought the 3rd Hokage from another shop
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Here is the 4th and 5th Hokage.. cos kiat sae i ought to post them, so he can see.. haha.. here u go..
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I think the shop keeper at La Tendo is a Jap.. his grandpa is still inside strolling around! I suppose is grandpa cos Japanese are well-known for their enthusiasm to work even when they are old. And he look real old. Full white hair and a rather frail body.

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Me and Mao Mao on the bus on our way home!

Juz found out abt Bandai having a warehouse in Eunos.. i think.. May be visiting there! Any one tagging along? :P

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Woken up from sleep, or not....

Okay, was woken up by the doorbells. Saw two well-dressed guys thru the doorhole..
Me: *opens door with sleepy eyes, some possible solidified eyeshit around my eyes*
The two guys: Hi! We're from... (i din hear it. was sleepy, or mabbie they din sae, i think)
Me: Ok...*trying to wake up*
The two guys: Do you think youngsters nowadaes do stuff that makes themselves popular in schs?
Me: Oh... erm.. *thinking abt recent stuffs.. blogs.. bullying..etc that were featured in Straits times"
Me: U guys are from... (hoping to hear straits timeS!) *excited*
The two guys: oh, we are from a church organisation.
Me: :((((( (of coz i din show that on my face!)

They then went on to intro HIM to me.
Me: err, i am a atheist.
The two guys den proceeded to ask me to read a sentence from the bible.
Me: *reads on with a croaking voice, possibly due to the 6 hrs at kbox yesterdae*
The two guys: mabbie you would like to receive some stuffs from us so that u can read?
Me: Er, no thanks (i noe it's some dailybread sorta stuffs)

they then left.

Next is a convo with chee chee.
[DoUgHnUt]says:some wierd enthu pple came to my door and tried to introduce HIM to me
[DoUgHnUt]says:they asked me "Do you think youngsters nowadaes do stuff in sch to make themself popular?"
[DoUgHnUt] says:i tot they were from STRAITS TIME
[DoUgHnUt]says:but turned out to be church
_11o5*<((((º>says:and it was about God
[DoUgHnUt]says:oh come on, i'm atheist
_11o5*<((((º>says:well Christians are like that
[DoUgHnUt]says:even on trains u see them doing this
[DoUgHnUt]says:are they THAT desperate enthusiastic?
_11o5*<((((º>says:yup there're the proactive ones
[DoUgHnUt]says:huh.. nice term
_11o5*<((((º>says:they're proactive because they believe others need to be saved
_11o5*<((((º>says:well, that's their choice of believe ba

ok! i am not targeting any religion or their pple .
It's juz wad i think. You cannot use this against the author.
I think i am too paranoid.. but u see those sensitive issues plaguing the world.. so mani!
Even using my toes are also insufficient.

Doughnut returns

greetings fellow earthlings! haha.. been years since i've blogged. Oops, i mean months. As for why i am still online at this ghostly hour, its due to the coffee from.. er.. i forgot how to spell, but it's the popular coffee shop with a red zhao pai. Ever since i was introduced to it by fellow earthling chicky...

X-men3 outing in May!.. :D
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Okaayyy, mr tan chose that squirrel cos he thinks that is cute. I think i cuter. kiddin. dun puke.
The guys who went!!! most of them.
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We den went to coffeebean for some ice blended! Chat chat chat..
The green one is me.
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Okay! let mi start off with.. my new set of naruto figurines! that costs 30 dollars per set. It's quite interesting and veri detailed in terms of design..
I'll start the ball rolling with.. Naruto!
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The fire around him looks veri chio.

Next up, Haku(deceased)-the boy with the advanced bloodline related to Ice.
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The ice glaciers around him.. fantastic.

Then.. it's the popular kakashi! The guy with one sharingan.
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Erm, this one is the one i dun like out of all the figurines, cos it don't look special

Haha... and then it's Jiraiya aka ero-sennin! The long white haired perverted 50 yr old guy who is a sensei (teacher) to Naruto.
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And then.. the baddie. Itachi! A member of the akatsuki group. He killed his entire clan and his own family to prove his skills as a ninja. SIAO.
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The last one is Sasuke. Younger brother of the above one. Turned evil too.
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I dun like this figurine too.

hmm.. let mi move on to the birthdae prezzies i've received till this day! *still expecting more!* i hope.. LOL.. :P

First.. From mao mao!
A very heavy photo frame. With a cute gaara pic in it! :D
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Was trying to find mani poses for this, cos its hard to find a nice position to take that rabbit's photo. Came up with this..
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A white furry rabbit i've caught from the wild. Dinner for tonite.

Ah! A docile-looking bear.
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From pristine!
Nei you qian kun! Look at his (i assume it's a male bear) back! A stowaway glass bottle!
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Hm.. wad's inside? *curious*
wah! chocolates and more chocolates!!!!
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Thankew to u both. :) And hey, i'm still expecting prezzies from u guys. :P

And it's kbox session for us!
some photos..
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And.. BBQ session for s01 at sherman's place!
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Veri wierd huh.. no pics for bbq.. :P cos i was bbqing, no time to take photos. :/

Got some more photos.. lazy to post. LOL..

okay. let's tok abt before the mid years. I was at the doctor's.
Doctor: So are u under a lot of stress?
Me: yah.. mid yr exam coming.. must use june holidae to study and mug (though i din do much)
Doctor: Wah.. den liddat become no holidaes! *luffs*
Me: yah lor..

Let's jump to Mid yr almost over..
*toking to myself*
Me: Screwed up all exams
Me: yah lor
Me: how?
Me: drop?
Me: i dunno leh.. see how first lor..hopefully dun need
Me: :/
okay, now i noe why i am belonged to Gemini. -.-