Wednesday, October 04, 2006

What the heck.

Yes.. i forgot to bring my housekeys-again. Damn it. I sat outside on the flight of stairs outside my house and tried to do some Maths while waiting for my mum to come home.. Fell asleep. -.-

Received GP results todae.. 50/100.. C5. not bad la.. But heard from jinyan that someone called daniel got 75/100! Omg.. scary huh.

Saw a super huge spider todae. It was abt 6cm long. You could literally see the shiny and spherish eyes of it. Sorry couldn't show the pic cos dunno what this shitty com is doing.. always cannot detect my phone.. -.-

Oh yar.. and we saw mini frogs todae.. they were.. erm.. 1cm short?

Yes!.. We (me and ck) are going to.. F.I.R autograph session! Finally had a chance to go.. i remembered I was having some stupid SJAB camp when they came over to Singapore for their 2nd album.
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Location: Junction 8
Date and time: This Saturdae at 6pm!
Who can go: Entry by ticket onli! quick go buy.. XD

Actualli i'm not that excited la.. juz wanna see them in person onli.. I went to see Rainie Yang that time.. OMG. =D~~
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Haiz.. feeling veri sleepy nowadaes.. 29 more days to A lvls.. Da qi jing shen lai.. Da qi jing shen lai.. zzzzz.

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