Sunday, October 08, 2006


Try pronouncing the word. Lol.. :P

We went to Yu hua yuan!! Pinkies outing!!! :D But they seem to forgot to inform zhen hui leh.. nvm. Sorry ah. Eh.. It was super hazy! Entrance fees costs $10.. and you could literally see the thick (approx. 20cm) wade of 10 and 50 dollars notes in the old transparent micro-waveable box. Of course la.. the queue is damn long about 20m? >.< .. . Here are some photos i took using my phone.. lol.. 2mega pix onli. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
I like this photo a lot! :D

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Dizzy eyes.. haha.. took it from below the super-winding stairs up the 7-level pagoda.

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On top of the pagoda! Veri blur huh..

Here are some group photos!!

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Leaning tower of Pisa!

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Sphinx! Jeremy blurted out suddenly that it was a Merlion. XD

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Dragon! Paiseh huh.. dunno why my ass so..

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Eiffel tower!! So colourful. -.-

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Blue mosque! Don't ask me wad's that. I seriously have no idea why it could be in the 7 wonders.

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Newly-recruited terracotta warriors with colourful clothes! :D

Looks like they decided to try it out on the 7 wonders of the world as their main theme. Hm.. not bad.

I slept from 1am to 3.45pm! I was telling my sister..
Me: Eh.. i woke up at 4 todae..
Sister: huh.. so early wake up for wad?
Me : am la -.-

We (hong qi, kiat and me) went for F.I.R autograph session! TOTALLY RAWKS.

Milo bing ( F.I.R's shidi) came up to "open" the session for them.. and they sang two songs.. mediocre i would sae..
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I'm puzzled why he has such a huge female fanbase.

Yes.. oh yes.. we are at the first row.. haha.. I ducked thru an unorthodox passage into there.. and i took like..5min to convince hong qi and kiat to come. Damn embarrassing when pple were looking at you when u are trying veri hard to convince them to come to a more spacious and cooler space where u are definitely closer to the stars.

F.I.R finally made an appearance at 7pm!!..

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Hot favourite!

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Her teacher always wear sunglasses. Hm.. Her teacher.. i think called Real.. veri nice leh.. he is even willing to take photos with fans. This is unlike of those superstars.. haha. But that two arses have to get home to eat dinner.. one is ahma rushing him.. the other is mama rushing him.. nvm then. Off we go..

Oh yar.. remember the huge spider i talked about on my last post.. Here are the pictures.. haha..
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It's soooo huge. =.="

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