Saturday, April 05, 2008


Went for my dental appt at Railway mall from camp yest and reached there at abt 2.30pm when my appt is 3pm. Heck, I slept till 5 plus before it's my turn to see the dentist. And you know what happened? There was this plump middle-aged guy with his wife sitting opposite me. I was snoozing...

PMAG (plump middle-aged guy): How long you wait already?
Me: *unaware and still sleeping*

PMAG: *kicks my feet*
<---- WTF?!
Me: *stunned* Oh er... 2hrs? It's usually like that one la. *a weak grin plastered across my face*

Have you even contemplated the idea of kicking someone's feet when the person is asleep just for him/her to answer your question (except in a classroom la)?! I didn't know why I smiled. I guess it's because I'm wearing the army uniform. Didn't want to project a ugly image bah.

And I bought some food to eat before I went to sleep in the clinic. I was terribly scammed! I was totally attracted to this yummy-licious looking box of green tea mochi in Cold Storage and I bought it. Much to my horror (very compo hor?), even after waiting for it to defrost, it's damn fucking hard. I'm not kiddin.
The green box that is so enticing.

Evidence: Look at my finger, turned red from pressing and only a little bit of filling came out. -.-" Okay, on another note, hope I can remove my braces soon enough. :/

Went to Enli's house to eat dinner while we chatted quite a fair bit with Enwei. :) And Enli, where are thou? Lol. Returned to camp to do my BOS duty. Special thanks to vahnbeo for helping me to do my duty for a few hrs so I can book out in peace to have my dental appt and dinner! Thanks dude. :D

Went to Partyworld KTV to sing with my classmates and Maggie Lao Shi! Had difficulty locating the Cuppage Plaza... and finally met them at a food hawker inside the building.
I was wondering why they did that...
Oh! A bee... and I squashed it. Oops.

Quite fun to sing in a hall though we all feel a bit awkward initially. Maggie wanted us to sing in the hall to gain more confidence. I guess that worked pretty well. Haha...\
We took quite a lot of photos...
Daphne, Joyce, Joe and Shu Quan.


The one in white is Maggie Lao Shi.

One more!

Joyce and Joe singing...

I sang Ai Wo Bie Zou as a a warm-up, den Qian Li Zhi Wai, den er... I believe and Zui Chang De Dian Ying. Omg, cannot believe I lasted throughout Zui Chang De Dian Ying... Haha... :D

Wanted to leave at 11.30pm to catch the last bus home but Joe is kind enough to offer me a ride home! Was totally stunned when I saw his car.
Mini Cooper! Always wanted to sit in Sgt Jackson's cooper but failed everytime. Now's my chance! :D Thanks dude, for the ride.

Sundae.. Went for my class as usual and met up with Hq with Wy to go walk walk around before going to Lunar to watch the PK singing competition. The bread at Toastbox friggin nice, though it's a little ex. $2.30 for a single piece! XO

We finally found Lunar after walking around! Quite embarassing when we were asked to throw away our water when the bouncers checked our bags. I guess it's okay cos people wouldn't bring along water if they wan to go club/pub.

Woots. The screen with smoke.

The finalists.

Challenger from outside (the one in white)!

The one in white won this guy and took over his placing as finalist.

Another challenger! He sang "One night in Beijing". Not a very good one cos we all felt that his "manly voice" wasn't there but his falsetto is good nonetheless. So overall, sound much more like a girl's voice.

Leonard won the guy above with a powerful rendition of.. er.. I forgot the song name. Something Sha Mo (desert) one.

Quite interesting cos the competition revealed scores using poker cards. Three cards each, one from each judge. One of the judges is Maggie. Hmm...

Wy, Joe, Joyce, Jian Zhong and Me.

Together with Maggie Lao Shi.

Me and Qi.

It was quite a refreshing experience to be able to witness a live performance by so many professional singers. Heh.

I think I'm super suay for the past weekend. You know why?
1) Forgot to bring handphone with me, had to go back home to take.
2) Tried to pay for my facial wash at the pharmacy counter instead of the cashier.
3) Opened my crumpler to find out a substantial amount of facial wash had leaked out.
4) Almost forgot to take my Hp when I left the KTV. Thanks to Maggie's friend for alerting me.


Felt elated for chee kong as he got into UNSW Faculty of Medicine. Finally, the arse got himself anchored. With a plan B, now you can wait for the one you really wanted! :D

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