Thursday, November 15, 2007


Today is the Ippt day. My company has a wierd policy. All specs must get GOLD standard. So we must participate in all Ippt (twice a month) until we get gold. Unfortunately I got a silver this time round. Let me show you why I didn't get gold...

1st station- Sit-ups
It was a breeeeeeeeeeeeze. :P

2nd station- Standing broad jump
It was f-up. 225cm was a meagre length. I wasn't born a grasshopper okay. Except peeps like wenyang, easily "own" the station with a jump of 260cm. Somemore he didn't jump like a professional but like a zombie (cos he said he can't bend his knees for this station). Maybe Wenyang's true colour is greenish and he sprouts wings. :P will work harder!

3rd station- Pull-up
I did 10 (just nice for gold standard), but I started with my right foot still on the support attached to the wooden beam, so in the end, 9. *bangs head against wall* will work harder!

4th station- Shuttle run
It was a breeeeeeeeeeeeze. :P Even though my timing was 10.1s (still gold though), a bit slow. -.-

5th station- 2.4km run
First time running the new route. It was fucked-up, seriously. Kept telling myself, "aiyah, first time run, nvm la, at least now you know what pace to run at". You know what happened? I ran an extra route! By the time I was at the right track, 2 peeps (one Major and one dunno-who took the chance to overtake me (I was 1st initially). This round around the buildings is the last 300-400m, where I already ran 2+km before turning into this loop.

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Where I ran. !!!! is the point where people signalled to me that I ran wrongly. LOL

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The correct running route.

In the end, the Major was the only person out of those who participated in Ippt (about 30?) who got gold timing ( 9.42min). I was a freakin' 9.56min. [._."]


I remembered I came across chee kong's blog and I noticed a cute icon beside his blog address. Went to search on it (since i'm free anyway and I kept forgetting to ask chee kong about it) and I found the way to do it! I created a small doughnut as you can see. Interesting isn't it. They call it the favIcon by the way. Create your personal favIcon today!

Here's the link:

Update: The html code provided by the webby is somehow wrong. Luckily Jian feng solved the html thingy. Thx ar. Heh. Hmm...

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