Friday, November 23, 2007

Never-ending troubles.

What do you get when you put 2 computer idiots together for an impt job? Still 2 idiots and a major screw-up. No la, Chia and I didn't screw up for that "thing" (can't really mention it here as I don't want to end up in detention barracks aka military prison, sounds a bit serious, but I would rather thread on the safe side :P ). In the end, CPT Simon Lee had to impart his knowledge on servers etc to us. Can you even imagine? Me, who is internationally-recognized as a major computer idiot being associated with servers?! S E R V E R S.

OMG, my army friends introduced me to DOTA.
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Damn fun la. Guess I'm addicted to it, but only played 5 matches till now, so I'm still a newbie. I used to dislike DOTA as I've heard that it's quite addictive, but I guess it doesn't suck me that much, so I guess I'm safe. : )

Just had COC (change-0f-command, yeah, we're changing CO (commanding officer) ) rehearsal, which was still acceptable. Had to use the old SBO (skeletal battle order?) instead of our LBV (load-bearing vest) for standardisation. After using it, I think the SBO is more cooling and is much more comfortable than the LBV. Tian Shuo kinda zonked out during the rehearsal.
After the rehearsal, RSM came and asked about Tian Shuo.

RSM: How are you?
TS: I'm fine, just that I didn't have enough water
RSM: Why you so weak? Want massage ornot?
TS: No no no...
RSM turned towards me and asked," Want massage ornot?"
Me: No no no... [._."] what has it got to do with me? *thinking*

Guess you all are clever enough to read between the sentences. 'Nuff said.

Next, the Pedra Branca issue that has been pissing me off lately. Can Malaysia seriously wake up their bloody idea before their country reputation go down the drain? Fancy using a doctored picture from a blog (yeah, it's true) to substantiate their arguments (which are meaningless) at ICJ.
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Photo that is doctored in an attempt to trick viewers that Pedra Branca is very much nearer to the shores of Johore.
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Original photo. Photo grabbed from
Moreover, what's so unclear about the sentence,"Malaysia does not claim ownership of Pedra Branca" in the letter sent from if I'm not wrong, the secretary-general to Singapore many many years back. Malaysia government said,"It's not a model of clarity". Bullshit. To me, Malaysia government (notice I added government cos I think Malaysians are nice and reasonable people) is trying to "smoke" their way through ICJ. If the Malaysia government were to provide reasonable and rational arguments (not from a blog which was created a month ago and a post on Pedra Branca was posted 4 days before the hearing took place, where the Malaysian government conveniently thought they could just use the information posted by the blogger,, I would have gladly listened to their arguments and hope ICJ would come out a fair judgment. But the way the Malaysia government does things sucks, period.


Ok, I'm glad to know my ah ma was released from NUH on wednesday. She had a bad fall again, which resulted her bleeding from the head. Went I saw her lying on the hospital bed, was quite relieved to see her still very energetic and full of vigour, although her head which was bandaged up reminds me of Oddish. Please be more careful in the future my dear ah ma : ) (okay, I know she can't read this)

On the other hand, my 4th aunt was admitted into NUH too, so much shuttling between places (ah ma and my aunt) was unavoidable. 4th aunt was battling breast cancer and although having completed the chemotherapy course, her cancer cells erupted again. I heard from my mum that the cancer cells had spread to multiple areas in her body. My cousin, Enli (4th aunt's elder daughter) can only be informed as we didn't want to affect her mood for A lvls. Hope Enwei (younger daughter) really understand what I'm conveying to her yesterday through msn. Guess 4th aunt's life has been hard enough. Doctor said she's on the verge of losing the battle....Really hope she can recover again. Hope Lord Jesus helps her.. And my mum is beside her everyday to give her strength.. Please! Get well. Sigh...

Fact of the month:
5 surprising reasons to get MORE SLEEP. (thx to readers' digest)

It could make you thinner! Research shows that those who sleep 5hrs a night were found to have 15% more ghrelin (a hormone that boosts hunger) and have 15% less leptin (which suppresses it) than those who sleep 8hrs.

It could boost your memory. Sleep plays a key role in making new memories stick in the brain. A Harvard experiment showed that subjects taught complex finger movements such as a piano scale recalled them better after 12hrs sleep than 12 hrs of wakefulness.

It can fight colds, ulcers and even cancer. Good sleep boosts the immune system. Melatonin, produced when you sleep is a cancer-fighting antioxidant. Night-shift workers may have up to 70 times greater the risk of breast cancer. Also, the chemical to repair damage to the stomach lining is secreted during sleep, so staying up all night regularly could raise your risk of ulcers.

It can slow down ageing. Persistent sleep debt affects carbohydrate metabolism and hormone function in a way that may increase the severity of age-related chronic disorders. A large-scale study conculded that people who sleep 6-7 hrs a night lived longer than those sleeping less than 4.5hrs.

It could keep you orderly. If you're a child that is. The depression and low self-esteem often associated with just being a teenager actually correlate with sleep shortage. Young kids who sleep poorly are more than twice as likely to take to drink and drugs in adolescence.

Okay, I'm off to sleep, seriously. :) Have to receive my brother at airport at 2am.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Mr President

Went to Plaza Sing with Hq. Suddenly recalled "Missy Donut" is located there, so went to buy some doughnuts to try. My PC (platoon commander) LTA Naresh was kind enough to buy many doughnuts for us to try a few weeks ago. Damn nice la, I mean both him and the doughnuts. Where to find such nice PC? A pity he was transferred out already.
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Green Tea Doughnut
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White Choco + Blueberry Doughnut
Hq ordered some doughnut full of chocolate. I suddenly realise.. They all taste about the same, sweet and more sweet..Except that you could taste the blueberry on it. Guess the doughnut craze would fade someday. It's calorie-laden by the way (and I don't mean me), much sinful than bubble-tea. Oh ya, "Missy Donut" is much better than the one you can find at Takashimaya beside Venezia ice-cream. The doughnuts sold there totally insults the doughnut community. When I first tasted it, I was like, "HUH?! Did I bite into a rock coated with sugar and oil?"

We went Ajisen to eat after having much difficulty to locate the shop within the mall's premises.
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And the personnel had to stash us at this pathetic and confined place. I think it's a storeroom. They came not twice but thrice to take the make-shift chairs (Behind my seat). -.-
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HALF A HARD-BOILED EGG=50cents?!?!?!!? F you la Ajisen.

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My Nan-Kotsu ramen as usual.

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My Prawn Mayo.

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Qi's Miso-chasu ramen.

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Qi's Takoyaki balls.

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We saw Mr President! He was attending this dinner event at the centre of PS. He wore a maroon-coloured long sleeve shirt.
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There he was!

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Mr President=Mr Popular. Look at the number of people up there.. lol. I guess all Singaporeans humans just love to find out what's happening. Mr President lives so near PS, he can literally walk there! But I guess he'll be mobbed by some crazy Singaporeans to take photos with them.

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Christmas Tree! A bit early huh.

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At Cathay. When it was our turn, only single seats were left. Hello? The TV screen displaying the status of the availability of movie seats mentioned that it's still available for Beowulf. F-ed up. We left and headed back to GV at PS.

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Happen to see someone with crumpler in front of me in the queue for ticket at Cathay. A bit bo liao.

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Beowulf. I think this show is outrageously-ridiculous. Till now, these words kept repeating in my head.

Sea-beautyDemon (starred by Angelina Jolie) : Bear me a child! (meaning, come have sex with me)

My rating for this movie is 2.5/5. Didn't fail it cos of the sea demon's nice body :P .. The plot was sucky. Let me summarise it for you. Wanna-be King (WBK) had sex with demon, demon granted WBK lots of money and fame and let him be king. Orge attacked his city. Orge was king's son. Someone (beowulf) came to slaughter Orge. King died cos spell casted by sea demon was broken (orge the son was dead). Sea demon was sad, she had sex with Beowulf. One day, fire-breathing dragon (talk about good genes huh) came to attack city. Beowulf killed it. Beowulf died (again, spell was broken). Beowulf's assistant became king. Saw sea demon at sea looking at him seductively. Movie ends. Sucky right?

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Today is the Ippt day. My company has a wierd policy. All specs must get GOLD standard. So we must participate in all Ippt (twice a month) until we get gold. Unfortunately I got a silver this time round. Let me show you why I didn't get gold...

1st station- Sit-ups
It was a breeeeeeeeeeeeze. :P

2nd station- Standing broad jump
It was f-up. 225cm was a meagre length. I wasn't born a grasshopper okay. Except peeps like wenyang, easily "own" the station with a jump of 260cm. Somemore he didn't jump like a professional but like a zombie (cos he said he can't bend his knees for this station). Maybe Wenyang's true colour is greenish and he sprouts wings. :P will work harder!

3rd station- Pull-up
I did 10 (just nice for gold standard), but I started with my right foot still on the support attached to the wooden beam, so in the end, 9. *bangs head against wall* will work harder!

4th station- Shuttle run
It was a breeeeeeeeeeeeze. :P Even though my timing was 10.1s (still gold though), a bit slow. -.-

5th station- 2.4km run
First time running the new route. It was fucked-up, seriously. Kept telling myself, "aiyah, first time run, nvm la, at least now you know what pace to run at". You know what happened? I ran an extra route! By the time I was at the right track, 2 peeps (one Major and one dunno-who took the chance to overtake me (I was 1st initially). This round around the buildings is the last 300-400m, where I already ran 2+km before turning into this loop.

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Where I ran. !!!! is the point where people signalled to me that I ran wrongly. LOL

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The correct running route.

In the end, the Major was the only person out of those who participated in Ippt (about 30?) who got gold timing ( 9.42min). I was a freakin' 9.56min. [._."]


I remembered I came across chee kong's blog and I noticed a cute icon beside his blog address. Went to search on it (since i'm free anyway and I kept forgetting to ask chee kong about it) and I found the way to do it! I created a small doughnut as you can see. Interesting isn't it. They call it the favIcon by the way. Create your personal favIcon today!

Here's the link:

Update: The html code provided by the webby is somehow wrong. Luckily Jian feng solved the html thingy. Thx ar. Heh. Hmm...

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Coy Outing!

First Coy outing for us new specs! Played Tag Paintball at Orchid Country Club! Damn expensive.. 2000 paint balls for $400. Friggin $400!!!! We played 4v4... Each team is supposed to shoot down at least 1 out of the 2 targets and den retrieve the box located at the mid-field. Each opposing teams are not allowed to cross into the enemy's boundary.

Here are the pics...
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Briefing by the dude... He was quite serious during the briefing. Well, the game was dangerous anyway, so the "Dos and Don'ts" must be imprinted into our minds.

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Raring to go!

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Surveying the damage done... Blooooody! Luckily I hid behind a huge barrel and shoot them! :D

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Was the game fun? YOU BET!!!

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Everyone inside!

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Taking a shot while waiting for taxi! :D

Then we headed to Meritus Mandarin hotel at Orchard for buffet!
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Quite ex.. $70/pax .. Our CSM (company sergeant major) had 50% off, so I guess it's $35/pax.

Pics of food..
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The blue creamy thing is blue cheese! Tasted a bit wierd.

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From left: Ham, Prime Rib and Roast turkey

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Jeffery receiving a slab of meat from the cutter.

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Marvin helping himself at the chocolate fondue! Look at the flowing chocolate!

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Many cups of mousse..

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Eggplant lasagne

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I didn't eat any of those..

Want to see how to D.I.Y chocolate strawberry?
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firstly, obtain a strawberry -.-

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Cover the strawberry with a luxurious coat of chocolate

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Bathe it in icy-cold water, yes, at the temperature that killed Jack from Titanic.

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A pleased group of pple.

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The regulars. And i dun mean small, medium that kinda regular..If u get wad i mean..

After the meal, we went to play lan!! Counter-strike! WOOTS. Left at 6 plus to meet up with my buddies for singing at chevron!

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