Friday, September 15, 2006

The Umbrella.

Todae was raining and i saw tons of umbrella right in my sight. Was pretty bored alone in 975 (juz came back from BPP eating with peeps).. so my brain started to wonder off... Ever wondered wad are the functions of an umbrella? :)

To kickstart this post... read this first.. lol.. quite interesting.. :)

An umbrella is a device used to keep rain off a person. They can be made by stretching a fabric or other material over a wire frame. The person is kept dry by the fabric which is usually water proof and water rolls off the sides. Umbrellas carried by hand are now usually used as rain shields, although their first use was for shielding from the sun; however, as sun tans became more sociably acceptable, this usage declined.
An umbrella made for protection from the sun is called a parasol.

The word "umbrella" is from the Latin word "umbra" for shade or shadow.
"Brolly" is a slang word for umbrella, used often in Britain; "bumbershoot"(<---LOL.) is another.

"Umbrella" is another term for the parasol. "Para" meaning prepare or shield and "sol" meaning sun. The word "umbrella" has evolved from the latin "umbella" (and "umbel" is a flat-topped rounded flower) or "umbra" meaning shade.
-a wikipedia source

lol... i was reading and reading.. and found somemore interesting sentences! Here u go..

  • Exiled Bulgarian dissident writer Georgi Markov was assassinated in England by a suspected secret agent of the Bulgarian intelligence service using a specially tipped umbrella designed to deliver a small round pellet containing the deadly poison ricin.
  • In Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and later books in the series, Hagrid performs magic using a wand concealed in a pink(<--i tot is black?) umbrella.
  • For a man to carry one was considered a mark of effeminacy<--LOL!!
  • Charlie chaplin's fave accessory! (paiseh no pic)
  • A must-have for ah ma(s) too, cos they can act as walking sticks!

(p.s : the last two points is self-added)

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Even animals need it from the scorching sun!

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Shield you from rain?

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Including a thunderstorm! Zappt!!!

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Shield someone from the blazing sunlight and UV rays as my sister always claimed.. -.-"

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Had a sudden flashback? yes!!...

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Tada! I used to like this cocktail parasol when i was small.. Funny stuff.

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My mum forced me to wear one of those during pri sch days! To think i was rather proud on wearing one.. -.-"
(paiseh, didn't like that guy's face, so anyhow smack one smiley on him.. :P)

Didn't noe so much abt umbrellas? Now you do!!
Can you all think of anymore? tag me.. :)

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